Washington Examiner

Gingrich: Trump’s first year as president will be ‘amazing’

Former House‌ Speaker‌ Newt⁢ Gingrich: Trump’s Potential in 2024

“I ​think his​ first ‍year⁣ will ‍be astonishing, and think people⁤ will be amazed how‌ much‍ he 𝅺can‌ get done, how ‌big a team𝅺 he ⁣can⁢ assemble,” Gingrich said.

“And, frankly,𝅺 barring ⁣some⁢ enormous⁤ change,⁤ he is ​the most⁢ likely person to be the next president ⁣of the United‍ States, something only Grover Cleveland ever achieved⁣ — being president, 𝅺losing, and coming back,” Gingrich continued.

Gingrich believes ⁤that if former‍ President Donald Trump ​wins⁤ the 𝅺2024 election, people⁤ will ​be ‌in for a remarkable‌ year. In an ⁣interview with Maria Bartiromo⁤ on ⁤Sunday ⁤Morning Futures,𝅺 Gingrich expressed his confidence in Trump’s ability ‍to‍ lead the nation​ once again.

According to Gingrich, Trump’s potential is unmatched, and⁢ he𝅺 predicts that the ⁣former president⁣ will accomplish⁢ great ⁤things in his first year ‌back ​in office. He also emphasized the importance of𝅺 Republicans rallying‍ behind Trump to ⁢secure the White ⁣House.

“Right now, the numbers‌ are so overwhelming,​ Republicans ought to start focusing⁤ on how to ​beat [President 𝅺Joe] 𝅺Biden because I think⁤ at𝅺 a ​practical​ level,⁣ they ​have a nominee, ⁣and 𝅺his⁢ name is ‍Donald 𝅺Trump,” Gingrich stated.

Trump’s Lead⁣ in ‍Recent Polls

A⁢ RealClearPolitics analysis⁤ of ⁢recent⁢ polls shows Trump leading in all of them, with an ⁤RCP average of 53%. Governor Ron ⁢DeSantis polls at 𝅺20.6%, ⁣and ‌all other 𝅺candidates come ‌in at⁤ single digits.

It is⁣ clear‍ that​ Trump’s popularity remains strong, making 𝅺him⁣ a​ formidable contender for the⁣ presidency in⁤ 2024.

Click𝅺 here to‍ read more ⁣from ‍The Washington ⁣Examiner.

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