Washington Examiner

White House edits Kamala Harris’s speech on ‘population reduction’.

The⁢ White House‌ Adjusts Transcript‌ of Vice ‍President ‍Kamala Harris’s‌ Speech

The⁤ White House has made an adjustment ⁤to⁢ the ⁤transcript⁢ of a‌ speech ‍Vice ⁣President ‌Kamala Harris ⁤made on Friday ‍after‍ Harris⁣ made a ‌statement ‍seemingly ‍promoting⁤ population​ reduction.

Harris’s comment ​was ⁣made⁢ during ​a‌ speech ⁤about ⁢climate change, during which she called ‍for ⁢investment ⁢in‌ clean⁤ energy and electric vehicles, along‍ with‍ the ‌statement on⁢ reducing population. ‍As of Saturday morning, ⁣the ⁢transcript ⁢for ‍the ⁣speech ⁤has ⁤been⁤ updated to read as “pollution” ⁤instead of​ “population,”‍ implying ⁢that Harris meant ⁢to say ‍the⁣ former.

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“When ‌we ‍invest ⁤in ⁢clean ⁢energy and ⁢electric​ vehicles and reduce population⁤ [pollution], more of ⁢our⁢ children ⁢can‍ breathe clean air and ‌drink⁣ clean water,” the ⁣transcript currently​ reads.

Harris’s speech was‌ delivered at Coppin​ State University⁣ in Baltimore,⁣ Maryland.

The apparent‍ slip ⁢up by ⁣Harris ⁤received ⁤pushback on social ‍media, including‌ criticism ⁢from Twitter owner and⁣ Tesla CEO Elon Musk.

“Reducing population is [nuts].‌ We need ​to ⁤increase population,”‍ Musk tweeted.


Earlier​ in ⁣the⁤ week,‍ Harris⁤ was ​also criticized over an attempt ‍to ‍explain⁢ Artificial Intelligence during a‌ meeting ⁤with labor ‍union‍ and ⁢civil rights ‌leaders.

“I think the ​first ​part ​of this ‍issue⁤ that should‌ be articulated‌ is ‍AI is kind ‌of ‍a‌ fancy thing,” Harris said during a ⁢roundtable in ‌Washington,‍ D.C. ​on Wednesday “First of ​all, it’s ⁤two letters. It means ​artificial ⁤intelligence,⁢ but ultimately⁢ what it ​is, ‍is​ it’s⁤ about machine learning.”

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