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GOP Lawmakers: MTG and Boebert’s Rift Deeper Than Expected

A Growing Rift:⁣ The⁢ Feud⁣ Between MTG and‌ Boebert

A ⁢new‌ report suggests ⁤that​ the​ divide​ between Republican ⁤Reps. Lauren ​Boebert of Colorado ⁤and ⁢Marjorie Taylor​ Greene‌ of⁢ Georgia is widening‍ every ⁢day.

“A‌ fistfight ⁤could break ⁢out at‍ any moment,” ⁢Republican ‌Rep.‍ Tim‍ Burchett of Tennessee said, ⁣according to ⁣the​ Daily ⁢Beast.

Burchett,‌ a self-proclaimed ‌professional wrestling fan,⁤ seemed amused‌ by ⁤the situation.

“I am friends ⁣with both of‍ them. ⁤It’s entertaining to ⁤think that a ⁣fistfight could‌ break out ‍at any ⁢moment. I ‍kind of dig‌ that,” ‌he‌ said.

Greene’s ‌heated exchange with ⁢Boebert on the House⁤ floor, where she called ⁢her ‍a⁤ “little b***h,” has been ‍widely⁢ recounted. This ⁣incident​ occurred​ after Greene accused Boebert of trying to ‌steal her ‍thunder ⁢on ⁤the subject⁣ of​ impeaching President Joe ‍Biden.

The Daily​ Beast ⁢report⁤ also ‍highlighted‍ Greene’s ⁢expulsion from ⁣the House Freedom Caucus, which Boebert allegedly ⁢played a⁢ role in expediting. Boebert, however, declined to comment on⁤ her vote ⁤regarding⁤ Greene’s removal from ⁤the caucus.

According to the‌ report,⁢ Republican Rep. Matt Rosendale of Montana was‌ a leading force behind Greene’s⁢ ouster, a claim ​he vehemently ⁢denied.

“I⁢ will tell ​you ⁣that’s false,”⁢ he stated. ⁣“That⁤ premise ⁢is false.”

When⁢ asked about the ‌vote ‌to ⁣remove ​her, Greene pushed⁣ back with frustration.

“Dude, do ‌you⁣ do⁤ anything besides report​ on complete drama and​ bulls**t?” she retorted. “No, ‍I’m serious.”

While ⁣Boebert supported several ⁣of Greene’s amendments ⁣to ​the ⁤National ‌Defense⁤ Authorization Act, ‍all of them​ were ‍defeated, ⁤as reported by ‌Newsweek.

Despite this, the ⁣Daily ⁢Beast’s ‍unnamed ‌sources⁣ claim that tensions ‌are ⁣escalating.

“You‍ can’t have‌ too many of these rifts‌ for too ⁤long,” said one Republican legislator, according to‌ the ⁤report.

Another anonymous source, ⁣described⁢ as⁢ a GOP ​legislator, predicted a fierce battle⁣ until ⁣the end.

“They will ​be‌ nailing⁤ that coffin shut, and one of‍ them ​is still in there ⁢kicking and‍ screaming,” the source said.

Republican Rep. Paul Gosar ​of ⁢Arizona ‍referred to the⁤ rift as ​a “two-way sword.”

“I⁢ just think that whatever⁢ is there could ⁤be utilized ⁣both⁤ ways,” ⁣he⁣ commented.‌ “People ​make ⁢decisions that they ⁢have to work and live⁤ by, ‍and you ⁣kind of⁢ hate being in their shoes.”

Meanwhile, Republican Rep.‌ Ken Buck‍ of Colorado⁢ recently expressed his disapproval of Greene’s ‍actions.

“She ‍is not a member of⁣ the Freedom‍ Caucus ​and she ⁢shouldn’t be in the‌ future,” Buck ⁤stated, as⁤ reported by‌ Newsweek.

“She has consistently ⁣attacked other ‍members of the Freedom Caucus ​in ​an ⁢irresponsible way,‍ and as ​a ‌result of that, she was kicked out of the Freedom Caucus‌ and ​she ​should ‌not be⁤ a member,” ​Buck added.

The‍ post GOP Lawmakers:‍ The⁤ Rift Between MTG and ​Boebert Is Much Worse Than ‍Anyone⁣ Thinks appeared first⁣ on The Western Journal.

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