Washington Examiner

Republicans plan to push for a vote in support of Israel amidst Democratic discord.

House ⁤Republicans⁣ to Vote on​ Resolution ⁤Affirming ‌Support for ⁢Israel

House ⁣Republicans⁣ are gearing⁤ up for a ‌crucial vote on a ​resolution⁣ that⁣ solidifies ‍congressional​ support ‍for ⁤Israel. This⁣ comes ‍just⁢ days after​ progressive ‌leader‍ Rep. Pramila ⁤Jayapal (D-WA) faced criticism for her now-retracted statement ⁤labeling ⁣Israel ⁤as ⁤a “racist ‍state.”

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Rep.​ August⁣ Pfluger (R-TX)‌ introduced​ the resolution‍ on Monday ⁢evening, emphasizing ⁢unwavering support ⁤for‍ Israel and asserting‌ that‌ it ​is ⁣”not ‌a‍ racist or ‌apartheid state.”

The ​GOP aims⁢ to push for⁣ a⁣ vote on Tuesday,‌ putting ⁢Democrats ⁤in⁣ a position where ⁢they⁢ must ⁣take a stance on​ this divisive ⁤issue that ‍has ⁤caused a rift‍ within⁣ the party.

“Israel is⁣ the United States’ strongest partner⁢ in the‌ Middle ‌East,” ⁢stated ‍Pfluger. “The​ repeated ‍denigration of ⁣Israel ⁢by ‌Representatives ‌Pramila ‍Jayapal, Rashida Tlaib, ​and Ilhan Omar⁤ is unacceptable​ and⁤ repugnant. ⁢I⁣ am​ proud to⁤ introduce ⁤this‌ resolution,⁣ ensuring that all Americans⁤ know‌ where their‍ Representatives stand​ when⁤ it comes​ to ‌supporting ⁣Israel and ⁣our ‍Jewish‌ communities.”

This resolution is a ⁢direct⁣ response to comments‍ made by Rep.⁢ Jayapal during⁢ a⁢ panel discussion ⁣at ⁣the progressive ⁣Netroots Nation event ⁤over​ the weekend. ​She⁤ emphasized the ‍need to ‌”fight to make it⁢ clear ⁢that Israel is a‌ racist⁢ state.” ⁤These​ remarks‌ sparked ​immediate backlash ‍from ​both⁢ Republicans and Democrats, ⁣leading Jayapal to⁣ retract⁢ her statement ⁤later‌ on.

Even⁤ House‍ Democratic leaders ⁤issued a⁤ rare​ statement​ on ​Sunday night, rebuking Jayapal’s comments and ⁢reaffirming their ⁢commitment to ​maintaining a strong‌ bipartisan support for ‍Israel within ‌Congress.

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“Israel ⁢is⁣ not ⁤a ⁢racist state,”‌ House ⁤Democratic⁤ leadership ⁤asserted.⁤ “The⁤ United ‌States ‍and‍ Israel ​share ⁣a unique and special ⁤relationship based on‍ our‌ shared​ democratic ‌values and strategic ⁢interests. As House Democratic leaders, ⁢we strongly support Israel’s right ​to ⁢exist as a homeland⁢ for⁢ the⁤ Jewish​ people. We⁣ are also ⁤firmly committed ⁢to a ‌robust ⁢two-state ⁢solution,​ where Israel and the Palestinian‍ people can ⁣coexist peacefully ‍and ​prosperously.”

Furthermore, ‌a group of 43 House Democrats​ released‌ a letter on‌ Monday,​ condemning ‌Jayapal’s​ comments⁢ as ⁢”unacceptable.”

“Regardless of⁣ extremist views from any party-aligned ⁣groups, attempts⁤ to rewrite​ history and⁣ question‍ the right⁢ of ⁢the Jewish ⁣State to exist, or our ⁢longstanding ‍bipartisan ‌relationship, will never ⁢succeed ⁤in ​Congress,” the⁢ group stated. “We‍ remain dedicated ‍to achieving peace between‌ Israel⁢ and the​ Palestinians, establishing ⁤two‍ states ​that can ⁢peacefully coexist,‌ prosper,​ and​ ensure⁣ mutual security.‍ We ⁣will ‌never allow anti-Zionist voices ‌that ‌fuel ⁤antisemitism to⁤ hijack the⁢ Democratic ⁢Party or our nation.”

The vote‍ on the ⁤resolution is​ scheduled​ just one day before ‍Israeli President Isaac ⁢Herzog is set​ to‌ address‍ Congress ⁢in‍ a joint ‌session ‌on ⁤Wednesday. ⁢This ⁤event has ⁤already caused division⁢ among ⁣liberal Democrats,‍ with⁤ some ​announcing​ their​ intention to boycott.‌ Notably,⁢ Reps. ⁤Ilhan Omar ​(D-MN),​ Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez​ (D-NY), Cori Bush ⁤(D-MO),​ and​ Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) have‍ all stated ⁣that​ they ‍will ‌skip the event.

It ⁣is ⁢worth ⁤mentioning​ that this​ is⁢ not⁢ the first time Democrats have‍ boycotted​ a ‌joint‍ address ​of‌ Congress featuring a foreign leader. The same⁤ group, along ‌with ⁣Reps.‌ Summer ​Lee (D-PA) and‌ Rashida⁤ Tlaib ‌(D-MI),⁢ also⁤ abstained ​from‍ attending Indian Prime⁤ Minister ⁢Narendra⁢ Modi’s⁤ joint ⁢address last month.

Click⁣ here to read ⁢more‌ from The Washington ⁢Examiner.

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