Washington Examiner

Deputy AG Lisa Monaco to update Congress on Durham inquiry results.

EXCLUSIVE: Deputy Attorney General⁢ Lisa ​Monaco ⁣to Brief ⁢House​ Judiciary Committee⁤ on‍ Durham Report

Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco​ is ‍set ⁢to deliver‌ an‍ exclusive⁣ briefing to ​the⁣ House ‍Judiciary ‌Committee‍ on Tuesday, providing insights into special counsel‍ John ⁤Durham’s ‌report ⁢from May ⁢and‍ other important matters within the Justice Department,‍ according⁤ to ‍sources familiar‌ with⁢ the​ committee’s⁢ plans.

The highly-anticipated briefing,​ scheduled​ for 2 p.m., will​ be held behind‌ closed doors. It ‌comes ​as ⁣a response to ⁢committee ‌Chairman⁢ Jim‍ Jordan’s⁣ request in June for Monaco ‍to address ​the⁤ corrective actions ‌taken ‌by⁣ the ‌department following ⁤Durham’s report.

Committee’s Focus ‍on⁤ Legislative‌ Reforms

Jordan​ emphasized⁤ the ​need⁣ for legislative reforms⁤ to the FBI, stating, ⁣”It is clear that⁢ Congress ⁤must consider ⁢legislative ⁢reforms‌ to the FBI, ⁤and the Committee has ⁣been​ engaged ⁤in⁤ robust‍ oversight to inform ⁢those legislative proposals.”⁤ He further expressed concerns⁢ about the‍ FBI’s documented‌ political bias ⁢and‌ urged⁣ the⁤ Justice ‍Department to‌ prevent any ongoing ‌investigations⁤ from being tainted ⁢by ⁤such ‍politicization.

Durham’s ⁤report,‍ while⁣ not ‍finding evidence of ⁢political⁢ bias,‍ did ​highlight potential confirmation bias ‌in‌ favor⁤ of continued scrutiny ⁢of ​Trump. The​ report concluded⁤ that⁢ the‍ FBI⁢ had⁣ improperly initiated its investigation⁤ into alleged ⁣collusion between ⁣Trump’s campaign ⁤and Russia⁢ during the ‌2016 election.

Failures ⁢in the Crossfire⁣ Hurricane Investigation

The FBI’s ⁣investigation, known ⁢as Crossfire‍ Hurricane, failed ‌to ⁢uncover substantial ⁤evidence⁣ of ⁤Trump-Russia collusion. ‌Subsequent ‍inquiries by the inspector general and ‍a special⁣ counsel revealed‍ significant⁢ failures, including the⁢ wrongful use⁢ of‌ the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance‍ Act.

Durham’s ⁢report⁢ aligned with⁣ these⁢ findings, concluding⁤ that ⁢both the⁢ Department and ‌the FBI had failed to uphold their‍ duty​ of ⁢strict fidelity​ to ⁣the ‌law in⁢ certain events and activities.

Jordan’s⁣ Letter​ and Request for⁤ Remedial ‍Measures

In‍ his‌ letter​ to the⁢ Justice⁣ Department, Jordan⁢ specifically ⁤requested Monaco’s‍ insights⁣ into the​ “remedial​ measures” taken‌ by the department‌ to⁣ address the misconduct ‍outlined in Durham’s report.

The Justice Department has ⁣not yet provided a⁢ comment on the ‌matter.

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