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Schumer aims for bipartisan sanctions on China for fentanyl.

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Senate‍ Majority Leader Seeks‍ Bipartisan Support to Sanction ‍China Over Fentanyl

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Senate⁤ Majority Leader Chuck Schumer ⁢(D-N.Y.) is seeking​ bipartisan support‌ to impose‍ new⁣ sanctions‍ against‍ China‌ over its role ⁤in bringing fentanyl​ to ⁣the United States.


Fentanyl is‍ a⁣ deadly synthetic opioid that​ is ‌50–100 ‍times more powerful ​than ​morphine. ⁤While ‍its potency⁢ has made ‌it‍ a popular ⁢and​ cheap ⁣additive​ in other street drugs, it⁣ has also greatly raised the risk of overdoses, contributing​ to tens of⁢ thousands of deaths in the United⁤ States. ‌According to⁢ a June report‍ by‍ the U.S. Center For⁣ Disease Control ‌and⁢ Prevention, there were​ 70,601 overdose deaths linked to ​non-Methadone synthetic opioids, ⁣with fentanyl⁤ being⁣ a primary source ‌for⁤ these ​deaths.

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Mr.⁤ Schumer‍ said​ much of ⁤the fentanyl that⁣ is currently in​ the United States comes from⁢ production ‍sites in China ⁢”with ⁣the total acceptance ⁣and acquiescence⁣ of the⁣ Chinese government.”

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At ‌a press ​conference on Sunday, Mr. Schumer said he would support ​adding ‍an‌ amendment to ‍the⁢ annual ‌defense⁢ budget, the 2024 National​ Defense‍ Authorization Act (NDAA), that⁤ would‌ declare‍ the ​prevalence of ‌fentanyl in the United States⁣ to be ​a‌ national ⁣emergency and to ⁣sanction​ the Chinese ‌communist regime for its contribution to this ⁤emergency.

“I ⁢will push an amendment—bipartisan—into the defense bill ⁤that will include ​major fentanyl stopping-​ and sanction-empowering‌ legislation, ⁣and we will bring that ⁢bill to ​the ⁤floor this week,”⁢ he said. ⁣”I ‍hope it ‍will‍ pass.‍ I believe that will ⁤pass⁢ with strong ​bipartisan support.⁢ And it should. It must.”

The spread⁢ of ‌fentanyl in the United​ States ‍has⁣ been‌ a topic of concern among both ⁢Democrats ⁣and Republicans in⁣ recent⁣ years. Mr. ⁣Schumer has already worked with Republicans in the past to raise⁢ sanctions against ​China over its ‍role in the U.S. ⁢fentanyl problem.

Mr. Schumer said ⁤this ‍newest sanctions push would be ​based ⁣on legislation ⁤proposed by⁣ Sens. ‌Sherrod⁤ Brown (D-Ohio) and Tim ⁤Scott (R-S.C.).⁤ Earlier this year, ​Mr. Scott introduced the Fentanyl​ Eradication and‍ Narcotics ⁤Deterrence (FEND)⁢ Off Fentanyl Act⁤ with support from Mr.​ Brown. ‍Sixty-one other​ senators have co-sponsored‌ the FEND Off Fentanyl Act.

“This‌ will‍ really ‌get‌ tough with them and‍ we will make them clamp down‍ on​ the fentanyl coming to ⁤the ⁢United⁢ States,”⁤ the ⁤Democratic Senate leader said.

China’s​ Role in⁤ Fentanyl⁢ Trafficking

A ‍2020‌ report⁤ (pdf) by ​the U.S. ⁤Drug ‍Enforcement⁣ Administration ‌(DEA)​ describes China as ⁤”the primary source⁢ of fentanyl⁤ and​ fentanyl-related‌ substances ​trafficked through international‍ mail ⁤and express​ consignment ⁣operations‍ environment, as ‌well as the main source for all fentanyl-related substances⁤ trafficked into⁢ the United ⁣States.” Still, it’s ⁤unclear precisely⁣ what ⁢percentage⁤ of the⁤ fentanyl‌ in ​the‌ United States‍ comes ​from Chinese sources, as much of it arrives in‍ Mexico ‌as ​precursor ⁤chemicals before ⁤being brought across‍ the ⁤border.

While⁤ the Chinese regime has⁢ reportedly ⁣been‌ more⁤ strictly regulating fentanyl and its precursors since⁢ 2017, according to the 2020 DEA⁣ report,​ Chinese ​fentanyl traffickers appeared​ to ​reroute⁢ their‌ supply lines through India ‌as a way to ⁤circumvent Chinese regulations. According⁤ to Brookings ⁤Institution‍ research Vanda Felbab-Brown,

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