The federalist

Miranda Lambert’s Point: Ditch the Phone

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Miranda⁣ Lambert has had⁤ it with your distracting selfies. ⁢The‍ country ⁢music star paused her⁤ Las⁤ Vegas ⁢concert⁣ this⁤ weekend⁢ to call out fans taking⁣ selfies while⁢ she sang her popular‍ ballad,‍ “Tin⁣ Man.”

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“These girls‌ are worried about ⁤their‍ selfie​ and not‌ listening‌ to the song,” ‌Lambert ‍said stopping⁢ the ⁢show‌ and ⁢pointing to two ‌fans⁤ in⁣ the crowd. ‍“It’s‌ pissing ⁤me ⁤off a ‌little bit.”

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While the audience cheered Lambert on, in one⁣ TikTok version ​of the video, ⁤you can⁤ see​ fans walking​ out ⁢over the commotion‌ and hear someone saying, “You don’t do that to fans.​ … ⁢Let’s go.”

Naysayers ⁤will⁢ call Lambert a prima donna or criticize her for derailing⁤ the show⁣ for everyone⁣ involved, ‌but in her⁣ defense, “these girls”⁣ were ⁢already⁢ derailing it ‍for everyone⁣ around them, including the artist who‌ is ‌trying to focus‍ on performing.⁢ The presence ⁢of phones ​at live events, be it movie theaters ‍or sporting‌ events, is ⁢an epidemic​ in ⁤this country. Public shaming is really the⁢ only‌ way‍ to ‍weed ​it out, as⁣ Lambert ‍perfectly ⁣demonstrates.

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In​ February,⁣ a photo ⁣taken‌ the night ⁣LeBron​ James broke the NBA record ⁣for all-time⁤ leading ⁤scorer went viral. Not⁣ because of⁤ the ⁣record-breaking shot, ⁤but ​because virtually every single fan in‍ the⁣ photo,‍ except​ octogenarian Nike ⁣founder ​Phil ‌Knight sitting ⁣in the front row,⁤ was⁢ more concerned‍ about capturing a⁢ photo of the⁤ shot instead of witnessing it with their‌ naked‌ eye.

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What does‍ it say about a ⁤society⁤ that’s⁢ more​ concerned with trying to ‌save‍ a moment in time to our ⁣camera roll​ than⁢ fully ⁢experiencing said moment in ‍time?‌ Lots of depressing things, I’m sure.​ But in the ‌case‍ of the Miranda Lambert ‌concert, ​it’s⁢ about ‌respecting the time, space, and ⁢experience of others around ​you — including, but not limited to,⁢ respecting the ‍artist ⁢you are paying to see.

Like ​returning‍ a‌ shopping ‌cart to its parking​ lot‍ corral or opting ​not to recline your ‌seat into⁣ your ‍fellow passenger’s⁢ leg space on ​an ⁤airplane, in a​ properly ‌functioning society,‍ we perform acts of selflessness and​ courtesy‌ for​ our fellow man. ​In ⁢our phone-addicted‍ modern world, putting your blue light⁢ away⁢ is⁤ one that we⁢ must all ⁢adopt, not just ‌for ⁤our own sake but for ​each‌ other. ⁤Don’t ⁣ruin the movie for ‍everyone ⁢else by⁣ checking your email ⁢in​ the‌ theater, and⁣ don’t make ‌the ​person​ behind⁤ you ⁢watch the​ whole concert on‍ your iPhone‍ screen. You’re only‍ going to delete all⁤ the videos later to‍ make‍ space ⁢for ​your next⁤ Vegas ​show.

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Focus‌ more‌ on​ the⁢ art⁣ and ⁤the‍ meaning ⁣of the ‌song Lambert⁣ wrote in the‌ midst⁣ of a public divorce than‌ getting the right angle to post ‍on⁣ Instagram later.⁣ It’s better for ​you ‍and ​the ⁢people standing​ behind you ⁣trying‍ to do​ the same.

“Sorry,⁢ I don’t ⁤like it. At ‍all,” Lambert told the⁣ crowd. “We’re here to hear some ‍country music tonight. I’m singing some country​ damn music.”

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More artists and audiences should follow her‍ lead ⁣and try ​enjoying music through something other than ⁣a⁣ screen.

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Madeline Osburn⁣ is ⁤managing editor ​at The ⁢Federalist. ‌Contact her ‍at [email protected] ⁢or follow her on ‍Twitter.


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Read More From Original Article Here: Miranda Lambert Is Right: Put Your Stupid Phone Down

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