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Biden Administration: SCOTUS Made Mistake, Email Tells Student Borrowers.

The Biden ⁢Administration ‌Fights ⁣for Student ‍Debt‍ Forgiveness

The ⁣Biden ​administration recently⁢ expressed ​its‍ disagreement⁢ with the⁢ Supreme ​Court’s‌ decision on student⁢ debt⁤ forgiveness​ in‍ a ‌letter‌ sent to ‌Americans who ‌still owe‌ student loans. The Education Department’s​ Federal⁤ Student ⁣Aid ⁤office‍ assured borrowers⁤ that the⁢ administration will ‌continue⁢ to fight ‍for debt ⁤relief.

The email, signed​ by Education⁢ Secretary Miguel ⁢Cardona,⁤ stated, ‌”We⁢ believe ‌the​ Supreme‍ Court got it wrong.⁢ While ‍we ‍disagree with the⁢ Court’s ‌decision, our⁣ Administration will ⁣not ‌stop⁣ fighting to ‌provide‍ debt ‍relief to⁤ borrowers. We ⁣will ⁤use ‌every⁢ tool ‍at‍ our ⁤disposal ⁢to‌ do​ so.”

The Supreme ⁣Court’s decision has‍ halted the Biden ‌administration’s ⁣student ‍debt forgiveness ‍plan. Last ⁣month, the ​Court ​ruled ⁢6-3 ⁣against ​President‌ Biden’s $430 ⁢billion⁢ relief​ policy,⁢ stating⁤ that‌ the ⁢HEROES Act⁣ of 2003 ⁣does not grant⁤ him ‍the authority⁢ to⁣ cancel ​billions ⁣in⁤ student ‍loan‌ debt.

Despite ⁤this⁤ setback, ⁣President⁣ Biden ⁣remains⁤ determined⁤ to⁢ find alternative ⁤ways to deliver⁤ relief ‍to hard-working middle-class ​families. The Education⁣ Department ‍has already⁤ approved applications for over ⁣16 million borrowers.

Immediate ⁤Actions for Debt‍ Relief

  • The administration ​is working on‌ a ​long-term ‍plan⁣ to forgive student ⁢loans⁢ using ⁤”negotiated rulemaking,”⁣ a ⁣process that⁢ involves ​the‍ Education ‍Department and​ a negotiating⁤ committee. ‌This⁤ plan may ​take years⁢ to ⁤implement ​and‍ could ​be ‌interrupted⁢ by ⁤a​ new president.
  • The⁢ Saving​ on ​a​ Valuable ⁢Education ⁣(SAVE) plan will cut​ monthly payments ‍to $0‌ for⁤ millions ​of⁢ low-income ‌borrowers ‌starting later this summer. ​Other borrowers will ⁣save at least​ $1000 a year, ⁢and the​ plan will ⁣also ⁢address ‌”runaway​ interest.”
  • The Education⁤ Department‌ will protect borrowers from ​the ‍negative consequences ​of ​late ⁤or partial ‍payments, such​ as ‍damage to⁤ their ⁤credit ‌score​ when ⁤the⁣ student ‌loan ​payment‌ pause ‌ends this ⁤fall.

Last‌ week, the ‌Biden‍ administration⁤ announced ⁤the forgiveness of $39 billion‍ in student debt‍ for approximately ‍804,000⁣ borrowers.‌ This⁣ relief​ is a result of‍ changes to ​the⁢ income-driven ​repayment⁢ programs, ⁤which‍ were​ designed ‌to forgive student⁤ debt after⁢ 20‌ or‌ 25 ⁢years‌ of ⁢payments. However, few​ borrowers⁢ have ⁤benefited ⁣from ⁣this ⁤system.

Overall, ⁤the Biden administration ​has⁣ forgiven⁣ more⁣ than $116.6 ⁤billion ‍in student loans⁤ for‍ over ‌3.4 million borrowers. ⁣While some critics ⁣argue ‍that forgiving ⁣student loans is unfair⁤ to those who have ‌already⁣ paid off their loans, ​the ‍push ⁤for broad student debt relief continues.

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