Washington Examiner

DeSantis promises to reinstate unvaccinated servicemembers with back pay.

Gov. ​Ron ⁤DeSantis ‌Vows ⁤to ‍Welcome Back Servicemembers ⁢Kicked ​Out of Military for‍ Vaccine Refusal

In‍ a passionate ⁣video ‍posted on Twitter, ​Gov. ​Ron​ DeSantis ​(R-FL) made‍ a bold ‌promise ‌to ⁣servicemembers‍ who ​were⁤ discharged⁣ from ⁤the ‍military under President Joe Biden’s ​COVID-19⁣ vaccine ⁣mandate. ​If elected president, DeSantis pledged to welcome them‌ back​ with ​open⁤ arms.

“We’re ​going​ to⁤ recognize that ⁤this ⁢military has⁤ made ⁤mistakes ​in⁤ recent‌ years,” ‌DeSantis declared.‌ “One of the ⁣biggest mistakes ‌they‌ made was ‌driving⁢ out​ perfectly ⁣capable servicemembers ⁣due to‍ the​ COVID-19⁣ vax mandate.”

A Mistake Based on Flawed Science

DeSantis ‍firmly⁣ believes ‌that the ⁤vaccine mandate was ⁢a‍ grave error that lacked⁣ scientific evidence to support​ its implementation.

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“That mandate⁣ was⁤ a mistake”​ and ​”was​ not based‌ on ‍scientific ⁢data,” according to ‌DeSantis.

The governor⁣ emphasized ⁣that‌ many ⁤military personnel⁣ who ⁣refused the​ vaccine were⁣ already ⁢at⁤ minimal ⁣risk⁣ of ‌contracting ​COVID-19‌ due to⁤ their adherence‌ to⁤ safety protocols and previous infection.

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“Military‍ personnel who meet ⁤standards⁣ were, probably,‍ at close⁤ to zero risk⁤ of ‍significant COVID ‌to begin​ with,”⁣ he⁣ explained.⁢ “Many​ of them had already‍ had⁤ COVID and had ‍natural immunity.”

DeSantis also‍ questioned⁣ the effectiveness of⁣ the mRNA vaccine,⁣ stating‌ that ‍it‌ did not ⁣prevent infection ‌or transmission.

⁤ ​

“So you ⁣have ⁣individuals⁣ that⁢ had already had ⁤it,”⁣ DeSantis ⁢continued. “They didn’t​ want to​ take the⁤ shot,⁢ and ⁣then, they’re being ​forced​ to‍ take something that​ they‌ don’t ​want to take ‍or⁣ perhaps, potentially, ⁢lose‌ their career.”

A⁢ Decision Driven⁤ by Hysteria

According‍ to⁢ the Iraq​ War veteran, ⁤the vaccine mandate was an example​ of civilians⁤ and ⁣political ⁢figures succumbing to societal‍ hysteria at ‌the ⁢time.

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“It ‘was ⁢an​ example ⁣of ⁣civilians⁤ and political⁢ people‍ bowing to​ the hysteria⁣ in⁣ society⁣ at the time’ ​and ‘trying to⁢ jam that ​down‍ the throats⁢ of ⁢our ‌military​ servicemembers,'” DeSantis passionately⁣ expressed.

DeSantis concluded⁤ his‌ video by assuring⁢ servicemembers⁤ who⁤ were ‍separated ⁤from​ the military ⁤that their ‍jobs⁤ would​ be ⁤reinstated, ⁢along with⁢ back‌ pay.

“We are going‌ to​ acknowledge ‌that the ​military ‌made a⁢ mistake,” ‍DeSantis affirmed. “We ⁢are going​ to offer ‌servicemembers ⁢who were separated ⁢their ‍jobs‌ back, including⁤ with back pay.”

To ‌read ⁢more⁣ about ‍this‌ story,⁣ click here.

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