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Rep. Jordan mulls holding Zuckerberg in contempt of Congress.

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House⁤ Republican Threatens‍ Contempt of Congress‍ Citation ⁢for Mark ‌Zuckerberg

A top ⁢House Republican ‌indicated ‌that Meta⁤ Platforms⁤ and Facebook ⁤CEO‍ Mark Zuckerberg​ could face⁢ a contempt of Congress ⁣citation if he doesn’t⁢ cooperate with ⁢an ⁤investigation into allegations⁢ that Meta ⁢colluded with‌ the⁣ federal government ⁢to censor speech.

During‌ an appearance on Fox News on⁣ Monday, House⁤ Judiciary Chairman ⁤Jim​ Jordan (R-Ohio) ⁢was ⁣asked‌ by host Laura⁤ Ingraham ⁤about ​reports suggesting he is “strongly considering holding Zuckerberg in contempt ⁤of⁤ Congress” ‌over censoring “protected speech” due to government⁢ agencies’ requests.⁣ “Are you going to⁢ really move​ forward ⁣on this?” ⁣she asked.

“If he doesn’t give ‍us the information, we will” bring contempt ⁤charges against Mr. Zuckerberg, ⁤said Mr. Jordan in response to‍ the question. “We know Facebook ​was censoring‍ Americans⁤ because‌ a ⁤Federal Court⁤ told‍ us​ so two‌ weeks ago, laid out 86‌ pages ​of facts⁢ with ⁤the Facebook and⁤ federal ⁤agencies pressuring​ them and ⁤other ‍Big Tech companies.”

He‍ further alleged ​that the‌ new​ Meta venture Threads, which has been described ⁤as a competitor to Elon Musk’s Twitter, is “using the ⁤same ⁣guidelines that ​Facebook used” to censor people. ⁢“This is a direct ⁤attack ⁣on the First Amendment. And we want‍ the information ⁣we’ve asked ‍for ‌months ago, and if‌ they⁤ don’t⁤ give it‍ to us, we can ⁣move ahead with contempt ‌if we need ​to,” the chairman added.

There were reports on ​Monday ​that‍ cited anonymous sources⁣ claiming‌ Mr.​ Jordan would ⁤consider ⁣holding⁤ Mr.‍ Zuckerberg in contempt. Earlier this ‍year, ‍Mr. Zuckerberg⁣ and other⁤ big tech executives ‍received subpoenas‌ from ‌House Republicans to ​hand ⁣over⁢ documents and⁣ communications ⁣relating​ to⁤ their interactions ‍with the federal government.

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‍ ‌ Threads ​logo displayed on a⁣ cell phone in San ⁢Anselmo, ‌Calif., on ‌July 5, 2023.

Meta’s ⁢Failure to Comply

At the time, the House ⁢Judiciary⁢ Committee was specifically seeking‍ communications ⁤about⁣ content-moderation decisions​ that were made​ around COVID-19 and whether‍ the ‍government ‍requested Meta⁣ delete ‍posts or suspend ​users. In May, Mr.‌ Jordan ​wrote‍ in ​a letter that the information‌ that⁣ Meta provided to Republicans wasn’t‌ good enough and ​failed‌ to comply.

“Meta’s rolling productions to date ⁣have ⁣not included ⁣material the Committee ⁢knows​ is, or‌ has reason⁣ to believe may be, in the⁤ company’s⁢ possession and​ that is ‌responsive to the ‌subpoena … if​ Meta ⁤fails ⁤to comply‍ in full with ⁣the ⁢subpoena’s ​demands, ⁤the⁣ Committee may be forced to consider the ⁢use of one or more enforcement mechanisms,” Mr. ⁣Jordan wrote ​in his ⁤May‍ letter.

In ​a statement ‌to ​news‍ outlets ⁤on​ Monday, a Meta spokesperson⁤ said it gave about 50,000 pages ⁤of documents in response to the⁤ request.​ What’s more, the company⁣ has “made nearly⁣ a dozen⁢ current⁣ and former employees available⁤ to ⁢discuss external and internal issues,” the⁢ spokesperson said, ​adding Meta does “look ⁣forward⁢ to continuing ⁣to⁣ work with the committee⁢ moving forward.”

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In a separate letter to Mr. Zuckerberg, ‌Mr. Jordan also⁣ expressed concerns ‍that ‍Threads, which‍ launched earlier in ‌July, was ‍censoring‍ users. ⁣Neither Meta nor Threads have responded‍ to these⁢ specific‌ allegations at this ⁢time.

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