Washington Examiner

The View host urges RNC to drop pledge supporting 2024 nominee for debate stage.

The⁤ View ‍Host ⁣Calls⁤ for ‍End to ⁣Pledge Requirement for 2024 Republican Nominee

The View host, Sara Haines,⁢ is urging⁤ the‌ Republican National⁢ Committee‍ (RNC)⁤ to reconsider its requirement for​ candidates to⁣ pledge support to the ‌party’s 2024 ⁤nominee ⁣in ‍order‌ to participate in ⁢debates. This ⁤request​ comes ⁤as current ​polls suggest that ‍the⁢ nominee‌ could potentially be former‍ President ⁣Donald⁢ Trump.

Haines’s ⁤call for ​change⁤ comes ‍in​ the⁢ wake ⁢of ⁢Trump’s⁣ announcement that ⁤he ⁤is ​now ‍a target of⁤ special⁢ counsel‌ Jack⁢ Smith’s grand⁤ jury ⁤investigation.⁣ The​ View host ⁢believes‌ that​ the⁤ RNC should immediately eliminate the pledge ⁢requirement, suggesting ​that ⁤if⁢ a ⁣loyalty‌ pledge is necessary, it ⁣should include ⁢a caveat specifically excluding Trump. Haines argues that it ‍would⁢ be absurd⁤ to have someone‌ with such legal ‍issues on‍ their ⁤plate ‌as a⁢ debate participant.

Concerns⁢ and⁤ Calls ‌for‌ Action

The⁤ RNC recently confirmed that⁢ it will not ‍be dropping ​its ​debate⁢ requirement,⁤ despite⁣ some​ Republican candidates‍ expressing their​ refusal to ⁢back Trump. As Trump emerges ‌as⁤ an⁤ early front-runner, fellow⁣ View host Alyssa Farah⁢ Griffin ‍is ‌urging ⁤other Republicans running‌ in ​the‌ 2024‌ presidential‌ primary race to “run to ​win ⁢right⁢ now.” ‍Griffin ⁢believes⁣ that⁢ waiting​ for the ⁣resolution of Trump’s⁢ legal trials​ may⁤ delay the⁤ 2024⁢ presidential ‍election. ⁢Additionally,⁤ Griffin expresses ⁣concern ⁣over⁢ Senator Tim ⁤Scott’s ⁣dual ​role ​as a⁢ presidential ‌candidate ‍and‌ potential ‌vice ‌presidential ‍pick​ for Trump, ⁣emphasizing the ⁣importance ⁢of‍ Scott ‍standing on ⁣his own⁤ merits.

Trump’s statement regarding ⁢the letter⁤ he​ received⁣ from Smith‍ follows a ⁣familiar pattern⁤ of teasing​ his⁣ potential ⁢arrest to‌ the ‌public⁤ before ⁣any charges ⁣are brought against ⁤him. This‍ behavior ‍mirrors his ‍actions prior ⁣to ‍his indictment in New ​York‌ on 34 counts related ‍to⁣ falsifying‌ business records in ‌connection ⁢to ⁣an⁣ alleged cover-up ‌scheme​ involving⁣ porn ⁤star​ Stormy Daniels‍ during his 2016 ‌campaign.⁤ Trump‍ has‍ pleaded not guilty ​in ⁤this ⁢case.

Former ​Texas‍ Rep. Will‌ Hurd ‍Takes a Stand

Former ⁤Texas ⁢Representative ⁣Will⁤ Hurd, ⁣who ‍is‌ also⁢ running for president​ in⁢ 2024, has made it clear⁢ that⁢ he will not ⁤comply​ with​ the ⁤RNC’s‌ requirement ⁣to endorse the 2024 nominee ⁣in‍ order to ‌participate ⁣in ⁣debates. ⁢Hurd firmly believes ⁣in ‍not deceiving⁢ the‍ American people or ‌his party ‍for​ the ‌sake of gaining a microphone. ⁤He ⁣emphasizes that⁣ allegiance ‍should ⁣be ⁤to the United States, not‌ to political leaders.

Click ⁤here to⁢ read ‌more from⁢ The⁣ Washington ​Examiner.

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