The federalist

Biden admin swiftly appeals court ruling to maintain censorship regime.

The ⁣Biden Administration Appeals Court⁤ Ruling ⁤on Online Censorship

The Biden administration rushed to appeal a ⁢federal‌ court’s ruling ⁤in‌ Missouri‌ v. Biden⁣ that​ banned ‌White​ House officials ‍from colluding with California tech​ giants ⁣to ⁢censor⁢ American speech.

Last⁣ week, Chief‌ Judge⁣ Terry‌ Doughty⁤ in‍ the ​Western District‌ of Louisiana ‍handed down ⁢a preliminary​ injunction prohibiting‍ the⁣ administration‍ from collaborating ‌with Silicon Valley to implement online censorship campaigns. ‌The case was ​brought‍ by attorneys​ general in ‍Missouri​ and‌ Louisiana,⁢ who alleged last year the federal government violated Americans’ First Amendment liberties ‍when⁢ pressuring online⁢ platforms to censor posts⁤ about Covid-19 and the ​president, among ‌other things.

Judge ‌Doughty ⁣cited “substantial evidence” presented by the⁢ plaintiffs of a⁣ “far-reaching‍ and widespread ⁣censorship⁢ campaign” that warranted the injunction.

“If‍ the​ allegations made by plaintiffs are ⁣true,” Doughty​ wrote, the ‌case⁢ “involves the most massive attack against free‍ speech ​in​ United ‍States’ history.”

The judge barred‌ more ‌than⁤ two⁣ dozen administrative ​officials, including⁤ the White⁤ House press⁣ secretary, from⁣ communicating with ‍Silicon Valley tech⁤ giants ⁤to implement a censorship regime. ⁢While litigation is⁣ underway,​ the‍ White House may ⁤no longer flag posts ⁣for⁤ censorship or‌ pressure ​companies⁢ to⁤ suppress users’ free speech.

The federal government immediately asked the federal judge in the⁤ case ​to‍ stay⁣ the ruling and‌ allow the​ administration⁢ to keep censoring​ speech.⁣ The government⁣ also pled⁤ for⁣ a‌ stay ‌in the Fifth Circuit ⁤Court⁢ of Appeals.

In their⁤ motion ​to stay ⁤in ⁢the ⁢Western​ District Court of ‌Louisiana, the ‍Biden administration‌ argued ⁢the‌ court’s prohibition ‍on ⁣federal censorship‍ presented ⁢“irreparable‍ harm”‌ to the​ government and ⁣added⁣ aggressive⁢ regulation of ‌the public ⁣square is within ‌the ⁤“public interest.” The ‌administration’s defense team also ⁢complained about the judge’s injunction​ blocking⁣ entire ‍agencies from ‌cooping social media platforms⁢ to suppress American speech. The⁣ injunction, ‌they⁢ wrote, “will chill ‌a wide range of ​lawful government conduct relating to⁤ Defendants’⁢ law⁤ enforcement responsibilities,‌ obligations to​ protect the‍ national ⁣security,⁤ and‌ prerogative to speak on matters of public ‍concern.”

Judge ⁤Doughty ‌was⁢ clear ​to‌ provide exceptions ​to his ruling for posts‍ that⁢ involve threats or criminal​ activity. The district⁣ trial​ court ​denied the ⁣administration’s ​motion on ‍July 10.

The⁣ Biden administration​ immediately ⁢filed⁢ another motion​ to⁤ stay in the⁣ Fifth Circuit​ Court of Appeals.‍ The​ court ⁤put‍ the case ​on the​ calendar last ‌week and scheduled oral arguments for ​Aug. 10.

While⁣ the federal government‍ argues⁣ “irreparable harm” ​over the inability‌ to⁣ censor, ‍the censorship campaigns ⁢on their own​ present ⁣irreparable consequences ⁢to ⁤the American ‌public. One ⁤must‍ look no further than the corporate-government collusion to⁣ suppress incriminating‍ information about ‌the ‌Biden ⁤family business⁤ ventures that​ surfaced in the ⁣final weeks‌ of‍ the 2020⁤ presidential​ contest. Post-election‌ polling from ‍the Media⁤ Research ⁢Center revealed⁣ nearly‌ 20 percent ⁢of Biden voters across seven key swing states ⁣would ‍have⁤ changed ‌their minds had they‍ been informed of any⁤ one of ​the eight ⁣scandals⁤ to ‍plague the‌ Democrat ⁢presidential nominee.

The⁤ government’s open ⁢suppression ⁢of information surrounding the novel Wuhan coronavirus⁢ also presented ⁢devastating consequences,​ wherein ​big ‌tech algorithms presented ⁣a monolithic narrative that lockdowns and experimental vaccines ‌were the only pandemic‌ remedy.

The coronavirus ⁢lockdowns ultimately became ⁢one ‌of ⁢the worst policy⁣ prescriptions pursued ‌by lawmakers ‍in⁣ U.S.⁢ history. The nation lost‌ two years⁣ of⁤ productivity‌ with a self-inflicted ⁣recession, while states that‍ implemented ‌strict lockdowns didn’t see any significant ​reduction‍ in Covid. American ⁢students ‌still haven’t⁤ recovered ⁤from prolonged school ‍closures, ​and the nation ​emerged ‌from‍ the ⁣pandemic phase​ sicker than ​ever before with just less than 3⁣ percent ⁣of adults ‍in perfect health.

Despite the ⁢irreparable⁢ consequences of the government ⁢censorship‌ regime, the⁣ Biden‌ administration is desperate to​ keep‌ the ⁣censorship industrial⁣ complex ⁢up and​ running. House Republicans on ‌the​ Select ‍Subcommittee on the Weaponization ‍of‍ the Federal Government revealed⁢ in June‍ the administration⁣ expanded⁢ so-called “disinformation” initiatives to censor‌ “malinformation,” information⁢ that is true ⁢but inconvenient.

Democrats in‌ Congress ⁤have ‌desperately ⁤sought to ⁢thwart the ⁢Weaponization Committee’s⁤ work⁤ to‍ expose ⁢the full scope⁣ of censorship‌ operations ⁣within⁤ the federal⁢ government.⁣ In March, ⁢the Select Subcommittee heard ⁣from‍ Substack ‍reporters Matt ⁢Taibbi and Michael⁤ Shellenberger, who testified ​on‍ their ​findings from the Twitter⁣ Files. Democrats repeatedly ⁤interrupted Republican ‍questioning⁤ and ⁢pressured the‍ two journalists to reveal their⁤ sources. New ⁤York ​Rep.⁣ Daniel Goldman ⁢claimed‌ the ⁣FBI‌ “had nothing to‍ do” ⁣with Twitter’s suppression of Hunter Biden ‌laptop⁤ stories three ‌years ago despite the ⁢“Twitter Files: Part⁤ 7”‌ showing exactly the⁤ opposite.

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