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Lawsuit claims Justice Department made mistake by exempting Hunter Biden from foreign agent registration.

The Department of Justice’s⁤ Failure‌ to Follow ⁢the ⁣Law

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The⁣ Department⁤ of‍ Justice failed⁤ to follow the⁢ law ⁣when⁣ it​ allowed⁢ Hunter ‌Biden ‌to⁢ work as‍ a⁣ foreign agent.”>foreign⁢ agent​ without ​registering as‍ such, America ⁤First⁣ Legal alleges in ‍a new lawsuit.

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The ⁣Lawsuit Allegations

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The⁤ lawsuit, ⁢a ⁤copy of ⁤which ​was​ obtained by the⁤ Washington ⁣Free Beacon,⁣ alleges⁤ that Hunter Biden ⁤worked ⁤during the ‌Obama administration as a​ foreign agent for “Ukrainian​ and ‌Chinese principals‍ and⁣ therefore was legally‍ obligated to register ⁤as ⁢such.” The ⁣Justice​ Department ​never​ “required⁣ Mr. ⁤Biden”⁤ to ‌register ⁢as ⁤a⁣ foreign ⁤agent,‌ even though the FBI took​ custody of ​Hunter ​Biden’s laptop, ⁤which ⁤contained​ evidence of ⁢his‌ overseas ‌business⁣ dealings,⁣ in ⁢November​ 2019, ‌the ⁢lawsuit⁢ states.

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American First ⁤Legal argues ⁤that⁤ Hunter Biden worked ⁤as​ a ​foreign agent ⁣during‍ his⁢ time⁢ as a ⁤board ‍member‌ for Burisma Holdings⁤ Limited, ‌a⁢ Ukrainian⁤ gas⁣ company that‌ paid him​ $1⁢ million ⁢a ⁤year. ‌Emails obtained ​from ⁤the National ​Archives ​and Records ​Administration “confirm,” according to America​ First ‍Legal, that ‍Hunter ‌Biden ⁣”directly⁣ represented Burisma⁣ in its dealings ‍with the Obama White⁤ House.”

The ⁣lawsuit, which demands that Hunter ‍Biden ⁢be‍ required ‍to‌ register‍ as a⁢ foreign⁢ agent, ‌is the​ latest ⁣in ‌a series​ of allegations⁤ that‍ Hunter Biden ‍received special​ treatment from the ⁢Department of Justice.⁣ Republicans have long‌ contended that‌ Hunter ⁢Biden⁢ violated ⁢the Foreign ⁤Agent​ Registration Act during ‍his​ work ‌with ‌Burisma and CEFC ⁣China ​Energy,⁤ a‍ Chinese⁤ energy⁢ conglomerate,​ but ⁣only‍ received ‌two misdemeanor⁢ tax-related ‍charges ⁤and a‌ gun charge‌ that is ​expected ​to be‍ expunged‍ from⁣ his ​criminal record.

“The Attorney General has ‍a non-discretionary duty to‌ ensure​ that⁣ Hunter Biden ⁣registers as⁢ a foreign agent ⁢under ⁣FARA and provides⁢ the American⁤ people with⁢ transparency into ​his activities on ​behalf of ​foreign‌ principals,” ⁢America ‌First‌ Legal ​Vice President and ‌General Counsel Gene ⁢Hamilton said ⁤in ‌a⁤ statement.

The emails ⁣released ⁣by the National‌ Archives and⁢ Records ⁢Administration show Hunter Biden communicating ⁣with one of his father’s ⁣senior staffers ​in May 2014 about ⁣his ⁣work⁣ at ‌Burisma. Hunter‍ Biden wrote​ that​ he⁣ is “of ​counsel ​…‌ on matters ⁢pertaining ‍to ‌corporate ​governance,‌ transparency, and expansion.”

Just ‍over​ two‌ years later,⁢ a ​separate‍ senior ‌staffer in the‍ Office of⁣ the⁤ Vice President ⁢sent an email ⁣to Hunter ⁢Biden​ indicating that both he ⁤and ‍his ⁣father were⁢ on ⁣a ⁣phone call⁤ with then-Ukrainian ​president‌ Petro ‍Poroshenko. ‍The ⁢contents ‌of ⁢that conversation are​ unknown.

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Unsealed⁤ Charges ⁣and ‌Allegations⁣ of​ Retaliation

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The ‌Department ⁤of Justice earlier​ this month unsealed charges against former Biden business ⁢associate Gal‍ Luft for,​ among other things, ⁣failing⁤ to⁤ register as⁢ a foreign​ agent for his work‍ with CEFC China​ Energy. Luft​ said after ⁣his arrest ⁣earlier⁤ this year that the ⁣Justice ‌Department ‌was ‍retaliating​ against him because ⁣he provided information ⁤about the⁤ Bidens to ⁣the​ Justice Department ⁤in 2019.

“Any⁤ other American​ would ⁢have ⁤been⁤ criminally ​prosecuted for⁤ failing ⁤to ⁣register‌ as a‍ foreign agent⁤ for⁤ this ‍conduct—but ⁤not under‌ Merrick Garland’s Department ⁤of⁣ Justice, ⁣which ‍continues to ⁢go​ out‌ of its way⁤ to⁤ help President Biden, ‍his family,⁤ and⁣ his ⁤radical ⁢liberal ‌allies,” Hamilton ‍said.

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