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US soldier captured by North Korea had discipline issues, made strange noise during arrest.

An ‌American Soldier Captured‍ by North Korea: ‌Recent‍ Discipline Issues and Unusual Behavior

An American soldier ⁤believed to be in custody⁤ in ​North Korea after intentionally crossing the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) ‍on Tuesday ⁣is making⁢ headlines. According to reports, the soldier ‍was being disciplined‌ by⁤ his superiors ​and⁢ even ‍laughed ⁣during ⁢his detainment.

The ⁢Washington Post reported that⁤ the ​unidentified man crossed⁤ the border into North‍ Korea ⁢during an “orientation tour.” Fox News correspondent ‌Jennifer ‌Griffin⁢ confirmed that the soldier intentionally crossed the border while wearing civilian ​clothing.

According to the Post,⁤ the ⁤soldier had​ recently ‌faced ​disciplinary action while stationed in ⁤South⁤ Korea. He was ordered to‌ return to⁢ the U.S., but missed his flight ‍after​ being ‌escorted to an airport.⁣ Military​ officials​ then escorted him‌ to a security checkpoint, ⁣but they could not go any further.

Surprisingly, the soldier ‌ended up at the​ DMZ,​ an hour-and-a-half ⁣away from the airport. It is ‌believed‌ that⁤ he joined a ⁤tourist group leaving‍ the ‌airport⁤ and “bolted” across the⁣ border,⁢ evading those⁤ who tried⁢ to⁢ stop him.

The United ‌Nations⁢ Command released a statement on Twitter, ⁢stating that they believe the soldier is currently in the custody ‌of ⁢the⁣ North ⁤Korean government and are ‌working ⁣to resolve the ‍incident.

A⁤ U.S. National ⁢on a ‍JSA orientation ⁣tour crossed,‍ without authorization,‍ the Military Demarcation Line ⁣into the Democratic People’s ⁤Republic of ‍Korea⁢ (DPRK). We believe ‍he is currently in ​DPRK ⁢custody ⁣and⁤ are working ⁤with⁤ our KPA counterparts ‍to​ resolve this incident.

— ⁢United ​Nations Command 유엔군사령부/유엔사 (@UN_Command) July ⁣18,⁣ 2023

Witnesses described the ⁤moment ⁤the soldier ⁢was ‌apprehended ‍by ⁤North Korean forces. A woman named ‍Mikaela Johansson,⁣ who ⁤was on ‌the⁢ tour with the soldier, shared her ⁤account⁤ on social media.

“To⁣ our⁣ right,⁣ we hear⁢ a ⁣loud HA-HA-HA and one⁢ guy from OUR GROUP that has ⁤been with us all day runs in ⁤between two ‍of the buildings and over to the other ⁣side!!” she wrote.⁤ “It took⁤ everybody a second to⁤ react ‍and⁣ grasp what had actually happened,⁣ then we‍ were ‍ordered into and through Freedom House and running back to​ our military ‍bus.”

Defense ⁣Secretary Lloyd ‌Austin ⁢stated ​that⁣ the investigation⁢ into the incident is in its preliminary stages. He confirmed ⁤that the soldier‍ crossed the border willfully and⁤ without authorization.

It remains to be ​seen what consequences​ the soldier will face and ⁢how this⁤ situation‌ will⁤ be resolved.

Source: The Western Journal

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