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Michigan AG files eight felony charges against 16 Trump supporters, sparking outrage.

Michigan ‌AG Charging⁣ 16 ⁢Trump Supporters ​with Eight Felonies ⁣Each: ‘This Is‌ a ‍Monstrous⁢ Injustice’

Sixteen Michigan supporters of former ‌President ⁣Donald ⁢Trump are facing ​felony charges for their roles⁤ in ‍Trump’s unsuccessful effort‍ to ‌prove that⁢ the 2020 presidential election⁤ was tainted by fraud.

On Tuesday, State Attorney ⁤General Dana Nessel announced ‌the charges on her ​website, calling ⁣the⁢ 16 defendants, who ⁢range in age from ​55 to 82,⁣ participants⁤ in an “alleged false electors ‍scheme.”

The charges come on the ‌same day Trump announced he expects to be‌ indicted by a federal grand ‍jury investigating⁢ the Capitol incursion ‍and Trump’s efforts to prove there‌ was fraud ⁣in the presidential race.

The charges were condemned​ on social media, with one poster noting, ​

According to Nessel’s website, all sixteen defendants face ⁣one ‍count‍ of ⁤Conspiracy ⁤to ‌Commit Forgery, ⁣two counts of​ Forgery,‍ one count of⁤ Conspiracy to Commit Uttering and Publishing, one count‌ of Uttering ​and⁣ Publishing, one⁢ count of ‌Conspiracy ⁣to Commit⁣ Election‍ Law ​Forgery and two⁤ counts ⁤of ⁢Election ⁢Law ‌Forgery

If‍ convicted ‍on all the charges, the ‌defendants ⁣could each face 85 ‌years‌ in ⁤prison.

Should these​ charges‌ have ever ⁤been filed?
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“The​ false electors’ ⁣actions undermined the‍ public’s faith‌ in the integrity of our‌ elections and, we believe, also plainly ⁢violated the laws by ⁣which we administer our‍ elections in Michigan,” she ​said.

Nessel claimed, “It‍ would be malfeasance of‌ the greatest ⁣magnitude if my department failed⁢ to act here ‍in the face of overwhelming ‌evidence of​ an organized​ effort to circumvent⁢ the ‍lawfully⁢ cast ⁢ballots⁤ of millions ​of‍ Michigan⁤ voters ⁣in a ‌presidential⁢ election.”

Nessel⁣ said the 16​ people ⁤charged​ met in⁣ secret before ⁤signing ​their names on‍ “multiple ⁣certificates stating ​they were the ​‘duly​ elected and qualified electors for President and⁤ Vice‍ President of ‍the United⁣ States ⁤of ⁣America for ⁤the ‍State⁤ of Michigan.’”

She‌ said they face⁣ charges ⁢because “there was no legal authority ⁤for‍ the false electors to ​purport‌ to act as ‌‘duly⁢ elected presidential electors’ and execute⁣ the false ⁣electoral documents,” Nessel said, adding, “Every serious challenge to the⁤ election‍ had‌ been‍ denied, dismissed or ‌otherwise rejected​ by​ the ⁤time the false electors convened.”

Nessel said that she ​might add‍ to‌ the list of those⁣ charged.

Trump elector John Haggard, ⁤82,⁣ of Charlevoix told the Detroit News that ⁣he‍ had ‌been ⁢unaware of the ⁤charges ⁢until contacted ⁢by the media.

“Did I do anything⁤ illegal? No,” ‌Haggard said, adding ​no ​policy prevented anyone ⁣from ​making “a statement.”

Vance Patrick, chairman‌ of the⁢ Oakland⁣ County Republican Party, ⁣called ‌the charges coming ‍more ⁢than two-and-a-half years after the election‍ “an egregious abuse of⁤ power ⁢by a‌ radical progressive and ‍continues the trend of politically motivated witch hunts, ‌perpetrated by the left against ​Republican candidates and ‍activists.”

Shootings in⁢ Detroit are⁣ up 32%⁣ but‍ this ⁣is⁤ their priority.

— ‍Johnny⁢ Connolly (@HereizzJohnny) July 18, 2023

Former‌ Michigan Republican​ Party Co-Chairwoman‍ Meshawn Maddock,‌ who was among ‌those charged, called the ⁢charges⁢ “a⁣ personal‌ vendetta,” according to The New York Times.

“This ​is part of‍ a ‌national‌ coordinated” effort to‌ stop ‍Trump, said Maddock, who⁤ had⁢ assumed her post after⁣ the ⁢election.

The‍ post Michigan ⁤AG Charging 16 Trump Supporters with Eight⁤ Felonies Each: ‘This ‍Is a Monstrous ⁢Injustice’ appeared ‌first on The ⁢Western Journal.

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