
Stone: Obama wants Biden out.

OAN’s Daniel ⁤Baldwin
5:40 PM – Tuesday,‍ July 18, 2023

Breaking‍ News:‌ DNC ‌Plans to Replace President​ Biden in ‍2024

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Political strategist‍ Roger Stone reveals⁣ a shocking‍ plan‌ by⁤ the DNC

Jack⁣ Smith ‌targets ⁣Trump over J6, ⁤while Biden’s DOJ ‍may be‌ covering for ⁣Hunter in this ​Daily Feed ‌with Tom McGrath.

After wrangling with⁤ anti-semitic⁣ language within the top ranks of the Democrat Party, ​President Biden‍ is ‌scrambling ⁤for a remedy, now inviting ​Prime Minister Netanyahu ‌in ⁢an unusual move for‍ his administration.

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YouTube is⁤ pulling out all the stops in its ‍effort to ‌censor and ⁢silence⁤ One America News ⁣and is ⁣refusing ‌to re-monetize.

TOKYO (Reuters) ​– ⁤SoftBank⁣ Group has invested $65 million in British company Tractable, an insurance ⁢technology ⁢company ⁣that uses⁢ AI⁤ to assess…​

NEW DELHI (Reuters) –‍ Walt ⁣Disney​ has ‌approached a ​state ‌court in ‍India in an ongoing ‍legal challenge against Google’s in-app billing…

ISTANBUL‍ (Reuters) ‌– An​ accord⁣ which Saudi Arabia ‌signed to ​buy ​Turkish ​drones entails​ cooperation in ​technology‌ transfer and joint ‌production, the…

WASHINGTON ‍(Reuters)‍ – ‌The White House ‌on Tuesday ⁤along⁢ with⁢ companies such as ​Amazon.com Inc, Alphabet’s Google and Best‍ Buy ⁤will‍ announce…

Read More From Original Article Here: Stone: Obama has decided Biden needs to ‘get the hook’

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