Conservative News Daily

Lia Thomas, Faking Identity, Supports Domestic Terrorism on Shirt.

A ​Famous Transgender ‍Athlete ⁢Endorses Domestic ‍Terrorism ‌with T-Shirt

A ‌famous transgender athlete ⁢and⁢ activist ‌is‌ showing ⁤his⁣ support for⁣ domestic ‍terrorism ‌with ‍a T-shirt.

William “Lia” Thomas⁣ is‌ the ⁤male college⁢ swimmer who⁣ transitioned to ⁣a woman while in college​ and⁤ began⁣ dominating ⁤the women’s ​races, taking⁢ away titles and‌ opportunities​ from ⁤actual women.

But not ‍content ⁢with ​being an icon⁤ for a‌ delusional‌ cultural movement, Thomas⁣ has now decided to‍ show his support⁤ for a violent fringe‌ political​ movement​ as well in ‌his recent social media posts.

Thomas has ‍now decided‍ to endorse‍ the domestic ​terrorist ⁣group antifa, ⁤posting pictures ⁣to his social media wearing⁣ a t-shirt⁢ reading​ “Antifa ⁤Super Soldier.”

Antifa, short⁢ for “Anti-Fascist,” is⁣ a radical leftist⁣ group that ⁤uses ‌violence ⁢and ‌intimidation⁢ to try⁤ and ⁤silence dissenting conservative voices. ‍For years, many conservatives in Congress have tried to pass bills designating⁤ antifa⁤ as a ‌domestic⁣ terrorist organization.

Now Thomas, an ‌icon of transgenderism,⁣ has⁤ decided to ⁤show his ‍support⁣ for this ‍extremist‌ movement.

Naturally, ‍this⁤ picture led to​ a ‌backlash⁣ against the transgender athlete, with many seeing it ‍as‌ a disturbing twist⁤ in the​ culture⁣ wars.

That’s disturbing

—⁣ Heidi Edelweiss ‌(@IMpwdx4x9bz)‍ July 18,‌ 2023

Also,⁣ despite its ⁢name, antifa is⁤ the ⁤very ​definition of fascism, as it uses brute force to ⁢quash freedom of ⁣speech. ⁢By showing his support for ⁤antifa, Thomas is ⁣showing that⁤ he ⁤does not respect the⁤ First‍ Amendment.

Political⁤ violence‌ of ‌any⁤ sort has ⁢no ​place whatsoever⁣ in ​American public discourse.

Antifa is an extremist organization, ⁤and ‌Thomas’ embrace ⁣of it​ is ⁢disgusting, although not in the least surprising.

The ⁤post Lia Thomas,​ Who⁤ Pretends‌ to Be ⁢a Woman,⁤ Endorses⁢ Domestic Terrorism with ​3 Words on ‌Shirt ⁤appeared first on⁤ The Western Journal.

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