Washington Examiner

Trump criticizes special counsel Jack Smith as indictment approaches during Hannity town hall.

Former ⁤President ⁤Donald Trump Slams ⁣Department of Justice ‍for⁤ “Election Interference”

“This‌ guy is⁤ a ⁤deranged‌ prosecutor​ who​ has​ had⁤ tremendous failures​ all‌ over the⁤ place. ‌He’s a nasty,⁤ horrible⁢ human being,”

– Donald⁢ Trump

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In a ​town hall⁤ with Fox ⁤News,​ former ‍President⁣ Donald⁢ Trump‍ expressed⁤ his ​outrage‌ towards⁢ the ​Department of⁣ Justice‌ and‌ special‍ counsel Jack Smith, ‌accusing‌ them of engaging in‌ “election interference.” Trump, ‌speaking⁣ to⁢ Sean Hannity ‍in Cedar ⁣Rapids, ⁢Iowa,‌ referred to⁤ Smith as⁣ a⁢ “nasty, horrible⁢ human being.”

The⁣ town hall⁤ took place after Trump⁣ revealed⁣ that he⁢ had received ‍a letter‍ from⁢ Smith,‍ stating⁣ that⁢ he⁤ was a “target” of⁢ the investigation into ​the January 6 Capitol riot. ⁢The‌ letter also required Trump to report to the grand jury⁤ within ‌four days. While⁢ the letter ⁤does not⁣ guarantee an‌ indictment, it ⁢suggests the‌ possibility ​of one in the future. ​Trump, however,‍ interpreted it as an indication​ of ‌an ‌imminent‍ arrest and ⁣indictment.

“It’s⁢ election interference. Never ⁤been‍ done like this‍ in the ⁤history of ‌our country, and it’s ​a⁤ disgrace,” Trump⁢ declared‌ on ⁣Tuesday. ‍He further expressed his concerns about the ​state‌ of‍ the nation, stating,⁣ “We’re ‍going into an almost communistic⁣ state, and‌ I think‌ maybe we’re even there. ⁤When you ⁢look at ‌what ⁢they’re doing⁣ with⁣ the Department​ of Justice, ‍they’ve⁤ totally ⁣weaponized​ it.”

Trump has ​previously faced indictments ⁤in ‍June ​for ⁣allegedly ⁣mishandling‍ classified documents⁢ and in late ⁤March for⁣ a⁢ hush money ‌payment ⁤scheme. He ​pleaded⁤ not‍ guilty to all charges. ⁣Additionally,⁤ he could ​potentially face​ another indictment⁢ related to ‌a Georgia investigation into ⁣his efforts to overturn ‍the⁤ 2020 election.

Despite ⁢the ‌legal challenges, ​Trump​ received‍ support from ⁣allies​ such​ as ⁤House Speaker ‌Rep. Kevin‌ McCarthy, ‍Rep. Byron Donalds, ⁢and ​Rep. ⁢Majorie Taylor⁢ Greene. Governor‍ Ron DeSantis,⁤ who ⁢is considered ⁢a⁢ top ⁣rival for​ the 2024 presidential race,⁤ also defended​ Trump, expressing ⁢his hope that he ⁣would‌ not be charged.

During ⁢the ⁤town hall, Trump shifted ⁢his focus ⁣to⁢ criticize ‌Democrats,‌ including Hillary Clinton ‌and Hunter⁤ Biden, for‍ receiving what ⁤he ‌perceived​ as ​unfair⁢ treatment ‍from ‍federal ⁣agencies. He⁤ specifically mentioned ‍Hunter‍ Biden’s ⁢recent ⁢guilty ‌plea ‌for⁢ federal charges⁢ related to‌ tax⁣ evasion and⁣ illegal ⁢possession⁢ of‌ a ​firearm, ⁤comparing ⁣it⁤ to a⁢ mere traffic ticket.

“What happened⁤ to Hunter is‌ you got ‌a​ traffic ⁢ticket.⁣ Other ​people are⁢ being​ sentenced to many​ years in jail for doing much⁢ less,” Trump ⁤remarked.

Click here ⁣to ‍read more from⁣ The Washington ‍Examiner.

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