Washington Examiner

Biden campaign ridicules DeSantis’s ‘fake political move’ and criticizes MAGA Republicans.

President Biden’s Reelection ‍Campaign⁣ Mocks ‌Governor DeSantis’s Attack on “Wokeness”

The campaign for⁣ President ‍Joe ⁣Biden’s reelection ​took a​ jab at Governor Ron DeSantis ⁢(R-FL) on Tuesday, dismissing​ his criticism of “wokeness”⁤ as a mere‌ political ⁢stunt.‌ They ​also highlighted the challenges‌ that⁢ MAGA​ Republicans may face in the upcoming 2024 election.

The remarks were made in response to​ an interview DeSantis ‍had with CNN, where ​he⁤ stated, ‌”Not ‍everyone⁢ really knows what wokeness⁤ is,”​ after host‌ Jake Tapper mentioned ⁤that “wokeness” is not a significant ⁢factor‍ in‌ people’s‍ decision not ‍to join ⁤the military. ⁢DeSantis added, ⁤”I mean, I’ve ​defined⁣ it, but ‍a lot ​of⁢ people who rail⁢ against wokeness can’t even define it.”

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Biden’s reelection campaign‌ seized upon⁤ the governor’s comments, asserting ‍that ⁤DeSantis’s response was an admission ‍that‍ his⁤ campaign’s‌ main issue⁣ is nothing⁤ more ‌than a⁤ contrived political‌ stunt.‍ They argued⁣ that​ this⁣ is⁤ indicative ​of ‍a larger problem faced ‌by​ MAGA Republicans in ‌the race.

“They ⁢have a deeply ‌unpopular ‌agenda that Americans have⁤ rejected ⁢time ⁢and time again, ⁢so ‌instead, they recycle the⁢ same ‍divisive culture⁣ wars ‌and attacks ‍on​ bedrock freedoms meant to tear Americans ​apart,” stated Kevin Munoz, a​ member of Biden’s 2024‍ campaign,‍ in a statement ‍provided​ to​ the Washington ⁤Examiner.

“If Ron DeSantis genuinely⁤ cared about the⁣ military,‍ he​ would⁤ call on Senator Tuberville to cease the⁤ unprecedented damage he’s inflicting ​on the armed forces and military families⁣ every⁤ day by blocking hundreds of military nominations⁣ and ⁤promotions,” Munoz added.

DeSantis has made⁤ his ‍”anti-woke” stance⁢ a central theme of ⁤his ⁢presidential campaign, arguing ⁣that ​it impacts every⁤ aspect⁣ of society, including the military, and positioning ⁢himself ‍as the​ sole⁣ fighter against it. However, while⁤ the term may resonate ‍with some within the Republican Party, ⁤other ​conservatives ⁤suggest that ⁢most ⁣voters are⁣ more​ concerned‍ with issues like the economy‍ rather than sociocultural topics.

Even‌ former President Donald​ Trump, ‌the leading GOP ​contender‍ for the⁤ next ‍election, has expressed⁤ skepticism about the term “woke,” ‍distinguishing ‍himself from his⁢ primary Republican​ opponent.

“I don’t ⁤like the ⁣term ‘woke’ ⁤because I ⁤hear, ‘Woke, woke, ‌woke.’‍ It’s just a⁣ term they ⁤use,‍ half the⁣ people can’t ​even define it. ‍They don’t⁢ know ‍what it⁤ is,” ⁤Trump stated during a ‍campaign⁤ event ‍in June.

Trump’s‍ team ⁣ridiculed DeSantis’s ‍comment on‌ CNN, accusing him of ⁤”stealing”‍ Trump’s messaging, a sentiment⁢ echoed by Trump’s‌ supporters. Trump spokesman Steven Cheung remarked, “Ron ⁣DeSantis doesn’t have‌ an original thought⁣ in ⁣that minor​ league ⁢brain of his, so that’s why he’s been⁣ stealing⁣ President ​Trump’s messaging and policy ⁤ideas ‌from‌ Day‌ One.”

Trump has ⁤been criticizing⁢ DeSantis for months, even⁢ before ⁢DeSantis announced ⁢his presidential campaign. While ⁤DeSantis ⁢has occasionally voiced criticism of⁤ Trump,⁢ he has generally refrained from ​directly attacking the ⁢former president, opting instead to position himself as a sharper ​alternative to⁤ Trump⁢ rather ‍than a‍ staunch ‌critic.

Despite being touted as a significant⁣ threat to‌ Trump’s chances of⁣ securing the ⁢Republican nomination, DeSantis’s lack of progress‍ against the‍ former ⁢president has led critics to ‍question‌ his⁤ prospects.


And⁣ then, of course, there is⁢ Biden. While⁢ he has not extensively⁤ discussed the​ 2024 ​election, his⁤ campaign made ‌sure to ⁤emphasize⁣ the differences⁤ between him, ⁣Vice President Kamala‌ Harris, and DeSantis, as⁢ well as ‌the ⁤other ⁤Republican⁤ nominees for ⁤2024.

“Joe Biden and Kamala Harris⁤ are focused on making ⁣our‍ economy ⁣work from ⁢the bottom⁣ up and middle​ out, protecting Americans’ essential ​freedoms, and strengthening⁢ our national security. It’s ⁢an ​agenda⁤ that ⁢Americans ⁤have voted on ‌in ‌2020, 2022,⁤ and⁣ will again⁤ in 2024,” Munoz stated.

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