
HYBE, K-pop’s top label, aims to overcome language barriers using AI.

By ⁤Hyunsu Yim

SEOUL‌ (Reuters) –

Innovative Use ⁣of⁤ AI ‍in‍ the Music⁣ Industry

In ⁣a⁤ dimly⁤ lit ‌recording ​studio in ‌Seoul,⁣ producers​ at ​the⁢ K-pop music label​ that brought the world ⁢hit boy⁤ group‍ BTS are using artificial‍ intelligence to meld a​ South Korean singer’s ⁢voice with⁤ those​ of native ​speakers‍ in five ‍other languages.

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The​ technology enabled ⁤HYBE, ​South‌ Korea’s ⁤largest ⁢music label, to⁢ release a​ track by singer MIDNATT in ‍six languages ⁢– Korean, English,⁢ Spanish, Chinese, Japanese and ⁣Vietnamese in May.

Some⁤ K-pop singers​ have released songs in ⁢English and Japanese ​in addition ⁤to‌ their native Korean, ​but⁤ applying ⁣the ‍new ‌technology for a ‌simultaneous⁢ six-language release is a global ⁤first, according to ​HYBE,⁢ and ⁤could ‍pave⁤ the ⁣way for it to be ⁤used⁢ by⁣ more‌ popular ⁣acts.

“We would ‍first listen ‌to the reaction, ‍the‌ voice ⁣of the fans, then decide what ⁣our ⁤next ⁤steps should⁢ be,” said Chung ‍Wooyong,⁢ the ​head of⁢ HYBE’s ‌interactive media​ arm in ⁣an⁤ interview​ at⁣ the company’s studio.

Lee ⁤Hyun, ⁣40,⁤ known ​as⁢ MIDNATT,‌ who speaks⁣ only‍ limited English and ‌Chinese ‌in addition ​to ‌Korean, recorded the‌ song ‍“Masquerade” in⁣ each ‍language.

Native⁢ speakers⁣ read out‍ the ⁤lyrics, and later the two⁣ were⁣ seamlessly combined ‌with the help of ​HYBE’s in-house AI ​music ‌technology, ​Chung‍ said.

The ⁤song ‌is⁣ the latest⁤ sign of the⁣ growing influence of⁤ AI in the ‍music industry at ⁣a time when⁢ the⁣ Grammy​ Awards⁣ have introduced new rules ​for the‍ technology’s​ use ​and⁢ AI-generated mash-ups of​ songs are flooding ⁣social media.

“We‌ divided⁢ a ​piece ⁤of‍ sound ‌into ‍different⁣ components – ‌pronunciation, timbre,⁤ pitch and⁤ volume,” Chung⁣ said. “We⁣ looked‌ at⁣ pronunciation⁤ which ‌is ⁢associated with⁢ tongue movement​ and⁢ used‌ our ​imagination⁣ to ‍see what ⁢kind of‌ outcome we ⁢could make ⁣using​ our⁣ technology.”

In⁢ a before-and-after comparison ⁢shown⁢ to​ Reuters,‍ an ⁤elongated vowel sound was added ⁣to the ‍word ​“twisted” ‌in the English ‌lyrics, ​for​ example, to sound ​more natural while ​no detectable⁤ change was⁣ made to the ‌singer’s voice.

Using ‌deep learning powered‍ by the ‍Neural‌ Analysis and Synthesis ⁤(NANSY) framework developed by Supertone ‍makes the song ⁢sound ⁣more natural than‍ using non-AI software, ⁤Supertone chief ‍operating‍ officer Choi Hee-doo ⁣said.

HYBE ​announced⁤ the 45 billion won⁢ ($36 million) ⁣acquisition‌ of ⁣Supertone⁤ in ‍January.⁣ HYBE said‌ it‍ planned to make⁤ some⁢ of ⁣the ⁣AI technology ⁢used in MIDNATT’s song‌ accessible⁢ to creators⁣ and the⁢ public, but‍ did ⁢not specify ⁤if ‍it would ‍charge fees.


MIDNATT said‍ using ⁣AI had ​allowed ​him a “wider‌ spectrum ​of⁣ artistic ⁢expressions.”

“I⁢ feel that ‍the‍ language ‌barrier has‌ been​ lifted and it’s much ‍easier⁣ for ‌global ⁣fans to have‍ an ‌immersive experience​ with⁤ my music,” he ‍said ‌in a ⁤statement.

While ⁤the ‌technology⁢ is not ⁤new, it is ⁤an ⁢innovative way ⁣to use AI‌ in music, said Valerio⁣ Velardo, ‌director⁢ of ‌The‍ Sound​ of‌ AI, a​ Spain-based ​consulting⁤ service⁢ for AI⁣ music ​and ⁤audio.

Not ⁢only professional‍ musicians but also ‍a‍ wider​ population ⁢will benefit from AI ​music​ technology in the ⁣long term, ⁤Velardo said.

“It’s‍ going to ‌lower the ⁤barrier ⁤of⁣ music creation. It’s ‍a little ‍bit ⁤like‌ Instagram‌ for ⁢pictures but in the​ case ⁣of‍ music.”

For ‍now, ⁢HYBE’s pronunciation correction ⁣technology takes ‌“weeks or ⁢months” to do its⁣ job ⁣but‍ when the⁣ process ‌speeds up,‌ it⁤ could⁣ serve ‍a⁣ wider range ⁢of ⁤purposes‍ such‍ as‌ interpreting in video conferences, said ‌Choi Jin-woo, the ​producer ⁣of⁤ MIDNATT’s ⁣“Masquerade”​ who‍ goes ⁤by the ‌name ‍Hitchhiker.

‌(Reporting by⁤ Hyunsu ⁤Yim;‍ Additional‌ reporting by ⁢Daewoung Kim and⁣ Hyun‌ Young ⁢Yi; ​Editing by⁣ Josh Smith ​and Jamie ‌Freed)

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