The federalist

Tucker Carlson’s Unspoken Topics

Unsayable ​Things‌ in​ America: The ⁤Forbidden⁤ Speech

“If ⁤you ‍want⁢ to ‌know what really, ‌really​ matters, ‍to⁣ [the ‌regime], and ⁤to⁤ you,⁤ and ⁣to⁤ the future⁢ of‌ the ⁣country, consider ‌the⁢ things that ‍you⁢ are⁣ not‍ allowed to‌ say,” ⁣Tucker ‌Carlson ​told his audience of⁣ young people ​during ⁢a⁣ Turning ⁤Point USA ​speech on the⁢ heels‍ of ​his ‍interviews⁣ with ⁣Republican primary candidates in ⁢Iowa.

These unsayable⁢ things,⁤ Carlson said, ​are easy to⁢ pinpoint ⁤because⁣ wrongthink ⁤seems to‌ be ⁤the ‍only ‌“crime”‌ that’s‍ consistently and⁣ seriously penalized in ‌contemporary America. ⁢Rapists and⁣ murderers ⁢go‌ unprosecuted ⁢in American blue cities. “[B]urning⁣ down⁢ buildings, impoverishing ⁢people, starting totally counterproductive ‌wars ‍we can’t ‌win ⁢that ⁤kill a​ lot of our citizens, ⁢[and]‍ leaving ‌the‍ border ⁣open so⁢ 7 ⁤million ‍people can walk⁤ across”⁣ are “never ⁣punished.”⁢

So​ what⁢ are the three ​topics Carlson‌ says ‌have ⁢been⁤ deemed ​forbidden⁣ speech⁣ by the media, White‍ House,‍ and virtually every⁣ member of the American gentry‍ class? “One of‍ them’s‍ the war ⁣in Ukraine, ⁢another’s⁢ Covid, and, ⁣of⁤ course, the‍ third‍ is Jan. 6.”

War ‍in⁣ Ukraine

Every​ uniparty‌ politician, corporate media⁣ outlet, ‍and​ mega-corporation ⁤insists ‌that ⁢if you don’t “hate” ⁣Russia⁤ and support America funneling billions of dollars ‍to ⁤defend ⁢a ⁣nation⁣ ruled by a​ corrupt,⁤ oligarchical government, ​you​ must ⁤love⁢ Vladimir​ Putin and oppose “democracy.” ⁢

“It’s not a ​criminal act⁣ not to hate ⁤somebody,”⁤ Carlson said.⁢ He pointed out‌ that the⁤ number ⁣of Americans ⁤murdered‍ by ⁤Russians is ‌in the “range” of ‍“zero.” Meanwhile, ‍more⁤ than 100,000 ​Americans die‍ every year ⁤at ​the hands of Mexican⁣ cartels and the drugs they smuggle into⁣ our country.‍ Yet ⁢the media‌ and our​ government⁤ want ⁢us⁣ to ⁣be ‍more preoccupied with a foreign ​war ⁣than the ⁢deaths of ‍American citizens ⁢here at home.

Carlson explained⁣ that so‍ far, ⁤America has ​utterly⁢ failed⁣ to be‍ a leader⁢ in​ the ongoing conflict ‌between ‌Russia and Ukraine, encouraging the war⁢ instead ⁤of facilitating peace. “If you’re ‌the leader, ‌the last⁢ thing you do is sow⁤ more ​chaos,”‍ Carlson⁤ said. Yet the White⁣ House “with⁢ the‍ full ​participation of ‌the Republican ​Party” ‍has ​fueled ‍and ⁣prolonged ⁢a bloody⁣ war ​— ​and ⁤you⁢ had ‌better ​not⁤ question it.


During and ⁣following the ⁢years of‌ Covid ⁣tyranny, Big⁤ Tech ​companies​ (often at ‌the⁣ behest of​ the ‍federal government)‍ censored anyone, ‌including ​doctors‌ and⁢ sitting ⁤members of Congress, ⁢who discussed the‌ numerous civil ​liberties ​violations, the highly ⁣plausible‍ lab-leak theory, the devastation of ‌lockdowns, failed vaccines, the ​inefficacy ⁤of‌ cloth masks,‍ and⁢ vaccine injuries. ‍

“Every organization in ‍American‍ life …⁢ from your government, ⁣to ‍the⁢ entire⁣ media, [and] in some cases, ‍your church,” told ‍Americans ‌that⁢ if ⁣you‌ want⁣ to⁣ be a⁤ “good person” you’ll⁢ follow the⁢ Covid rules,⁣ Carlson​ said. In​ the⁣ case‍ of the ⁢Covid shots, you had⁤ to pipe​ down ⁢and take⁣ it‌ —⁤ without ⁢really ⁣knowing what⁤ was ​in it or⁤ what the ‍long-term ⁣outlook would‌ be.

Now​ we ⁢know⁢ the staggering number ‌of people ⁤who ⁣appear to ⁣be ​vaccine‍ injured,⁤ as Carlson ⁢pointed out.‍ Yet ‌the ⁢powers that be ​continue ‍to ​gaslight the ‌public anytime ⁢someone tries to discuss adverse ​reactions to‍ any‌ of the ⁢Covid⁤ shots.

Jan.‍ 6

Carlson ⁣recalled‌ how shortly⁤ after⁣ Jan. ⁤6, 2021, people began⁣ claiming‌ the‌ demonstration was a“racist⁤ insurrection.” ‍At the time, ⁢Carlson‌ pointed out ‍it neither ⁢had ‌anything to do with race ‌nor⁣ involved “armed ‌people try[ing] to‍ overthrow ⁢the government,” ⁢but he was‌ told, ‍yet again, ‍to “shut up.” He even found⁢ himself labeled ​a ‍“racist⁤ insurrectionist.” ​

The ‌people who protested on Jan. 6, were, in Carlson’s words, “grandmas with​ diabetes ‌and ‍a‍ lot of debt.” ⁢Why ​were these everyday Americans so angry? ⁢Well, the American‌ gentry class refused ⁢to‌ allow the country to ⁣talk ⁤honestly ‍about why a ‌massive⁣ swath of⁤ the populace was ‍so enraged ⁤that they took⁤ a‍ “bus ‍from⁢ Tennessee to go ‌jump up and ‌down ‍in ⁢front ⁣of the⁤ Capitol.”

We⁣ were ⁣never allowed ⁣to consider ​how “Biden won by⁤ 81 ⁤million‌ votes — ‌15 ​million more than Barack ​Obama,​ which seems​ like‌ a lot considering [Biden] ⁣didn’t ‍campaign and​ he can’t talk.”‍ We⁤ also weren’t allowed to‍ consider whether ‍electronic⁢ voting machines or ⁣unmonitored ballot⁣ drop boxes ‌were ⁤compromised, Carlson‌ added. Those ⁤who ‌tried to ⁣raise ​concerns ‍about the 2020‍ election, which sparked‌ Jan. ⁢6,​ were “deplatformed,” “debanked,” “bankrupted,”‍ “fired,” and essentially “hounded out ‍of⁤ public life⁤ in America.” ‍

Thought⁤ Criminals Are⁤ Our ‘North ⁢Star’

Carlson ​warned of ‍distractions in the news cycle. While we⁣ must push back ⁤against ‍things ⁣like radical ​transgender⁣ theory, stories​ related to that and⁢ other ⁤hot-topic⁤ issues ⁣can also ‌be used by the⁤ left to manipulate⁢ our priorities, he ⁣said. ⁣“I​ don’t think⁣ there’s ⁣a ‌single⁢ Democratic⁣ member ​of Congress who cares at all ‍about trans ‌rights,” Carlson ‍explained,⁢ theorizing ​that ‍many ‌of these​ daily news‌ stories are “designed to⁢ take ⁣people ​like⁣ me and ⁣send us ‌off into a ⁢screaming fit.”

Instead, “look around⁤ and​ ask ​… ⁤what ​are‍ the ⁣topics ⁤that no ⁣one’s⁣ even⁢ pushing back on?” If you are ⁣really‌ interested ‍in truth-seeking and you want⁤ to locate⁣ “the North‌ Star” in confusing, ⁢disordered,⁢ post-industrial America, ​then⁢ you need ⁣to look ​for‍ the‍ “thought ⁣criminals.”

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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