
North Korea launches two ballistic missiles.

(Photo ⁤by ANTHONY WALLACE/AFP via‍ Getty‌ Images)

OAN’s Roy Francis
8:35 AM ‍– Wednesday,​ July 19, ‍2023

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North​ Korea⁢ launched ⁣two⁤ ballistic⁢ missiles into⁢ the⁢ sea in what officials ⁤are ⁣saying ‍is ​a retaliatory move ⁣to ‍the United ​States’ nuclear-armed submarine which​ was deployed to South ⁢Korea.

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South Korea’s Joint⁤ Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said that⁣ around 3:30 a.m.‌ local⁢ time ⁣on‍ Tuesday ‍morning, ⁤the ‍North​ had fired ‍two missiles from ​the ​Sunan⁢ area,⁢ near ⁣Pyongyang. The missiles flew⁢ a little around 550 kilometers (approximately 340 miles) ⁢before ⁣going down in‌ the⁣ waters‍ east of ⁣the Korean Peninsula.

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“The​ detailed ⁣specifications ​of these‍ missiles ⁤are⁢ being analyzed⁤ by intelligence ⁣authorities ​of‌ South Korean ​and ​the‍ US,”⁢ the JCS⁣ said.

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The​ JCS ⁣also⁤ condemned the ‌launch ⁤by North⁣ Korea saying that‌ it⁤ is ‌a “major provocation” that ‌threatens‍ the⁣ peace⁣ and stability in the ⁣area. They ⁣also⁣ announced that ​South Korea and ‍the U.S. militaries are monitoring any⁣ further ⁤weapons activities.

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The⁢ Japanese military said‌ that the ​missiles had⁤ come close ‍but landed ‍outside of Japan’s exclusive⁤ economic zone ⁤with no​ damage ⁤to any ⁢ships ⁤or aircraft. ​However, the Japanese ⁤Defense⁤ Minister, Yasukazu⁣ Hamada,​ told reports that⁣ the⁢ missiles may ‌have ‌made‍ irregular maneuvers while ⁤mid-flight.

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The Japanese military⁢ had made⁣ similar remarks ⁣to ​previous⁢ launches​ by the North, comparing‌ such ⁣missiles⁣ to Russia’s Iskander ‍missile, ⁤which is ‌designed to⁢ be⁢ maneuverable​ in ​flight ‍in ⁢order to ⁣increase ⁣its ⁣chances of ​evading ​missile defense ⁢systems.

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The launch of‌ the missiles comes at⁣ a time‍ of increased tensions⁢ in ‌the area.

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On ⁣Tuesday afternoon, the USS Kentucky, ‌a nuclear-armed submarine arrived in the South Korean ⁣city ⁣of Busan. The​ USS⁣ Kentucky‌ is the ‌first nuclear-armed submarine to ‌visit ⁣South Korea ⁢since ‍the ‍1980s. ​The visit⁢ by ‍the ‌submarine ⁤was announced‌ by South ‍Korea’s⁤ Defense ‌Ministry.

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The ‌arrival ‌of the ⁢submarine coincided with ⁣the beginning of talks between ​the allies in the ‌area and‌ the United States in⁣ order ⁢to⁣ figure out and ​coordinate responses ​in ⁣case‍ of⁣ a nuclear‌ war with⁤ North‌ Korea.

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Kim Yo ​Jong, sister of North Korean ⁤leader‌ Kim⁣ Jong‍ Un, said ⁣that ⁢the deployment of the submarine ‌in the area‌ is damaging to ⁤already ‍“fractured lines ​of ⁢communications” between​ the United States and North Korea.

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Last week,​ North​ Korea had also tested advanced ⁣long-range⁤ missiles,‍ as ‍well⁢ as ⁢threatening⁣ to shoot ​down‌ any U.S. military reconnaissance aircraft in the area that engages in what the regime⁢ called ‌“hostile​ espionage” ‍activities.

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Read More From Original Article Here: Two Ballistic Missiles Launched From North Korea

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