Washington Examiner

Sam Brown, Nevada Senate candidate, collects $400K in debut week.

Republican ​Senate ⁢candidate‍ Capt. Sam‌ Brown⁤ raises $400,000⁤ in just ⁣one⁢ week

Republican Senate candidate ‌Capt. Sam Brown⁤ has‌ made an impressive start⁢ to ‌his campaign ‍in Nevada, ‌outpacing his primary⁣ opponents by‍ raising⁤ $400,000 within ‍the ‍first‌ week. ⁢Brown is ‌determined to unseat incumbent‌ Sen.⁢ Jacky⁣ Rosen (D-NV) and has wasted‌ no ⁤time ‍in⁢ launching ‌his‍ bid.

Brown previously ran for the‍ Republican nomination in ⁣the 2022 ⁢Senate ​race ‍but narrowly ‌lost‍ to⁤ former⁤ state ‌Attorney General Adam Laxalt. Despite a‍ close race, Laxalt was unable to⁤ defeat Sen.⁤ Catherine ⁤Cortez-Masto ​(D-NV).

“I’m ⁤humbled by the immense outpouring ‍of encouragement from grassroots supporters throughout⁤ Nevada and‍ America. We’re witnessing⁢ immense ⁣energy for‌ our ‍movement,”

said‍ Brown⁤ in‌ a ⁣statement‍ to ⁢the Washington ⁤Examiner.

“In‌ just ⁣one⁢ week ⁢since ‌launching our ‍campaign ‍for US Senate,‍ we’ve already traveled ‌thousands‍ of​ miles across ⁢Nevada — hearing​ about the ⁢hopes and⁤ dreams⁣ Nevadans‌ have ‌but also⁣ their fears⁣ and⁣ disappointments. They want ‍a​ leader who​ will work for Nevada values,​ not ⁤Jacky Rosen’s ​D.C. ​values. As‍ Nevada’s⁢ next senator,‌ I’ll never‌ falter on ⁢our‍ values⁣ and I’ll never quit ⁣fighting for ⁢them.”

The ⁣amount‌ raised‍ by ‌Brown ​is⁤ significantly⁢ higher ​than⁢ that⁢ of any​ of⁢ his primary opponents ⁤during the⁣ second quarter of ‌2023. ⁣For instance,‌ one ⁣of the primary ‍candidates, ‌Jim⁣ Marchant, ⁢reported ⁣raising⁣ approximately⁤ $100,000.

Rosen, on the other ⁢hand, ‌raised‌ an ⁤impressive‍ $2.7 million during the⁢ second ‌quarter,⁣ according to her ‍Federal‍ Election Commission ‌filing.

Brown ⁣has received ‌support from National⁤ Republican​ Senatorial Committee⁢ Chairman ⁢Steve⁣ Daines​ (R-MT), who ‌expressed ⁣his​ enthusiasm for Brown’s candidacy,⁣ stating, ⁣”Sam​ Brown’s life of​ service ‍and sacrifice⁣ is an ‍inspiration to all Americans. ​I am very⁢ pleased‌ that Sam is‌ stepping ‍up⁣ to run‍ for the ⁤U.S. ⁤Senate.”

Nevada’s Senate seat is currently⁣ rated ​as‌ “lean Democrat” ⁤by⁤ Cook‍ Political ⁤Report,‍ making it⁣ a potential⁤ pickup opportunity for Republicans.

Brown, a combat veteran who‍ suffered​ extensive⁢ injuries in ‌Afghanistan, ​including severe ‌burns‌ from an improvised ⁢explosive device,⁤ has undergone multiple surgeries on ​his ​face. Despite the challenges ​he‌ has faced,⁤ Brown remains determined ⁢to serve others.

Click⁤ here to ‌read more ⁢from⁣ the Washington Examiner.

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