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Biden campaign omits Marjorie Taylor Greene’s criticisms in video promoting his presidency.

President ​Joe Biden’s‌ 2024 campaign ‍took a ​unique approach​ to respond to one​ of​ his⁣ most vocal critics, Rep. ⁢Marjorie ​Taylor ‍Greene (R-Ga.),⁢ by using⁢ her own words as an endorsement of his presidential record.

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In a ⁣new campaign ad ⁤released on Tuesday,⁤ Mr. Biden’s ‌2024 ⁢reelection⁢ campaign ⁣cleverly⁣ utilized a portion of a⁤ speech given by Ms. Greene ‍at a ⁢Turning Point ​Action ‌Conference.⁣ The‌ ad ‌presents her⁣ acknowledging‍ the⁤ Biden ⁢administration’s‍ significant investments in ‍infrastructure, education, and ‌healthcare,⁢ all ‌funded⁢ by taxpayer dollars.⁤ The video combines snippets of Ms. Greene’s⁤ speech with uplifting⁣ music and footage ⁢of ⁣Mr. Biden in⁢ the White House‍ and ⁣on​ the campaign‍ trail.

Joe Biden had the largest ⁢public investment ⁤in social infrastructure and environmental ⁣programs,⁣ that ‍is actually finishing what FDR [President Franklin ⁢D. Roosevelt]​ started, ⁣that LBJ [President ​Lindon⁢ B.‍ Johnson] expanded on, ⁢and ​Joe ⁢Biden is attempting to complete,”‌ Ms. ⁢Greene ​stated in the Biden⁢ campaign ad. “Programs ⁣to address education,⁢ medical care, urban problems, rural ⁤poverty,‌ transportation, Medicare,‌ Medicaid, ‍labor unions, and he still is working on ⁤it.”

Mr. Biden‍ further emphasized⁤ the‌ purpose of ⁢the campaign video​ by tweeting it out⁢ on Tuesday ​with the caption, “I approve this​ message.”

Context Changed, Words Removed‍ From Greene’s Speech

The Biden ⁤campaign’s⁣ edited ⁢version​ of ⁢Ms.​ Greene’s⁢ speech rearranges‌ and omits​ certain ⁣parts where she compared ‍the Biden administration’s⁢ agenda to that of⁣ the ⁢Johnson ‌administration in​ the ⁤1960s. ‍In reality,⁣ Ms.​ Greene’s comments about ‍infrastructure, ⁣education, and healthcare were specifically referring to the ‌”Great Society” ⁤agenda of⁣ the ‍Johnson administration.

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“[Mr. ‍Johnson]⁢ was appointed⁢ as ⁤the president⁤ after ‍JFK⁣ [President John F. Kennedy] was ⁢assassinated. Then he⁣ was elected. ‌His big socialist programs were⁣ the ⁢Great Society. The⁢ Great Society⁣ were big government programs to address‌ education,⁣ medical care, urban ​problems, rural‌ poverty, transportation,⁢ Medicare, Medicaid, ‍food ⁣stamps ⁣and ⁣welfare, the Office⁤ of ⁢Economic Opportunity, and big‍ labor and labor unions,” ​Ms. Greene explained during ​her⁤ speech at the Turning Point ⁤Action Conference.

“Now LBJ⁢ had ⁤the Great ⁣Society, but Joe Biden ‍had Build Back Better, and he’s still working on⁣ the‍ largest⁢ public investment in social infrastructure and environmental⁣ programs, that is ⁢actually ⁢what FDR started, that ​LBJ expanded on, and Joe Biden is ⁣attempting⁢ to complete: socialism,” Ms. ​Greene ⁢continued. “Meanwhile, we are‌ now $32 trillion in debt,​ with record⁤ high ‍homelessness, 40-year‌ record ‍inflation.​ We’re losing ​the U.S. Dollar‍ as the numb

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