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Virginia County Stops Using Ranked Choice Voting After June Primary.

Get ready ​for⁣ an exciting⁢ update on the upcoming ​November election in ⁢Arlington, Virginia! ‌The Arlington County Board⁤ recently‍ made⁤ a ‍decision⁤ regarding⁢ ranked‌ choice‌ voting (RCV)⁣ for ‍local ⁣races. ‍After‌ a‍ trial ⁣run during the June primary, ‍the board has⁣ decided not to ⁣use⁢ RCV ⁤for the upcoming​ election. ​But why? Let’s ⁤dive into ⁣the ⁤details.

During ​a board meeting on July 15, board⁤ members listened to feedback ⁤from proponents of‍ RCV. While ⁢there was support⁤ for‌ RCV, the board felt that​ more outreach and education were needed to ​help ‌voters ⁣understand‍ how ​RCV ‌works. Outgoing Chair ​Christian Dorsey emphasized the​ importance of gathering data, information, and⁢ socializing the concept⁢ with the ‍community before committing⁣ to ‌it for every election.

One of the ‍concerns⁢ raised by board​ members​ and constituents‍ was‍ the⁣ lack of understanding about RCV, particularly the tabulation process. Vice Chair ⁣Libby‌ Garvey highlighted​ the need ⁤for ​voters‌ to ⁤know how their vote counts, making her uncomfortable with ‌implementing⁢ RCV ‍for ⁤the ‌upcoming​ election.

So, what exactly is​ RCV? It’s an ‍election method that⁤ allows‍ voters to rank candidates​ in order⁢ of ‌preference. ​In ‍Virginia, candidates ‌in⁢ an ​RCV​ election must secure 34 ​percent of votes ‍cast ⁣when there are​ two ‌open seats to win.

Residents Share Their Feedback

After ⁣the June primary, the⁤ board conducted a‍ survey and received ⁢2,450 responses. The ‌majority⁢ of respondents (57 percent) had positive ⁢or ‍exceptional experiences⁣ using RCV, ‍while 29⁣ percent ⁣had negative experiences and 13⁤ percent had ‍fair experiences. Interestingly, 47 percent⁤ of ​respondents believed that ⁢RCV should‍ be implemented in every⁢ election, while 7⁣ percent thought‍ it should only‍ be used in ⁣primaries. ⁤On the⁣ other hand, 32⁤ percent believed that RCV should not⁢ be implemented at all, ‌and ⁢12 percent ⁤were unsure.

Ranked Choice​ Voting Scores ⁣for 2021 ⁤Virginia GOP⁢ Primary.⁢ (Courtesy of ‍FairVote)

According⁣ to county ‌board ⁣spokesman David​ Byetta,​ voters learned⁤ about ​RCV from ⁤various ⁣sources, ⁢with political organizations⁤ being the ⁤most ⁣common (74 percent). Other sources included friends, ⁤the ‌county website, and ⁢the news.

Frank Lusby, head of the Arlington County Republican Committee’s election ⁢integrity​ team, ⁣expressed concerns about‍ the complexity of‌ the RCV ⁣tabulation ‌process.​ He⁤ believes that the additional steps⁣ and mathematical complexity could lead ‌to ⁢errors ‍that are harder to‌ detect, potentially⁢ affecting voter ⁣confidence in⁤ the election results.

Liz White, the‍ executive director of Up ‍Virginia, an RCV advocacy group, acknowledged‍ that⁢ there were concerns about ‍the⁤ tabulation⁣ process. ⁢However, she remains optimistic ⁤about the benefits ‍of RCV.

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