Conservative News Daily

Pizza delivery man takes matters into his own hands, foiling carjacking attempt.

Armed Pizza ‌Man Tees Up a Special Delivery for Two ‌Alleged ​Carjackers

Prepare‌ for‍ another⁢ thrilling tale of a ​man⁣ who fearlessly ⁤used‍ a firearm ⁣to protect⁣ his ⁣life and property. This time, it’s a pizza​ delivery man in ⁢Philadelphia⁣ who fought off two alleged carjackers, ⁣leaving the ​left in a⁤ frenzy.

Of course, liberals​ despise​ stories ​of Americans protecting themselves with ⁣legally carried‌ firearms and ⁤exercising their ⁤Second Amendment ⁤rights. These stories shatter⁣ their baseless ⁢claim ​that guns ⁣are inherently evil and should be‍ stripped ⁤from everyone’s hands.

But let’s not ​tell that‍ to the brave 21-year-old​ pizza delivery man who ⁤not only saved his own ‌life but also⁤ held‌ onto ⁣his car ⁤when faced‍ with two armed ⁢carjackers in ​Philadelphia’s ⁢Chestnut ⁢Hill ⁣neighborhood.

The Philadelphia Police Department reveals that the delivery driver​ was confronted ⁤by⁢ two‍ armed men ⁢who intended to ⁤rob⁣ him. However, the driver, ⁤armed with his own legally ⁤carried ‍weapon, fought back and​ fired at one⁣ of the attackers,⁢ hitting him‌ in the⁤ lower​ back. The⁤ wounded assailant was ‌later found ⁤near the‍ scene by the police.

“At‍ one⁤ point, the 21-year-old delivery ​man was able to get out ⁣of the ⁤vehicle and confronted ​one of the perpetrators who had a ⁢gun, and the 21-year-old ‍delivery man,​ we know, fired at⁤ least two shots,” said Philadelphia ⁢Police Chief Inspector Scott Small.

The ⁤police also recovered the ‌gun⁢ belonging to the ⁢wounded suspect, who was taken to⁤ a hospital and placed under ⁤guard by the‍ PPD.​ Meanwhile, the search‍ is ​on​ for the second suspect, who ‍is believed‌ to have fled to Springfield Township.

Authorities are ‍also interviewing the victim’s brother,⁤ who was reportedly on the phone⁢ with the⁤ driver ​during the incident.

Stories‍ like these highlight the⁣ refusal of Americans,⁤ like the delivery driver in Philly, ⁣to become easy ⁢targets for criminals. ‌Just last month, a man⁤ in Las⁤ Vegas put ⁣a quick⁤ end to ‍an‍ attempted ‌mass⁣ shooting near‍ the Las Vegas Strip. And there are ‌countless⁤ other ⁢examples.

For ⁣instance, ⁢last year, a civilian⁤ stopped a man planning a mass ⁢shooting in⁤ an Indiana shopping⁣ mall,⁤ while⁢ in​ 2019, another‍ lawful​ gun owner in Georgia swiftly ended‍ a potential mass⁤ shooting⁤ at a ⁣bar.

Only‍ a month ago, a pregnant woman ⁤used her⁤ licensed ⁢firearm to protect her ‌family from ​two attackers in a parking garage ‌in Little⁤ Rock, ⁣Arkansas.

These⁢ stories occur ‌nearly every month, ‌proving that guns​ play ‍a crucial role in⁢ preventing crimes.​ According⁣ to ⁢, guns prevent an ⁤estimated ⁢2.5 ⁣million crimes​ a year, or 6,849 ⁤every day.‍ The ‍National‍ Rifle Association also highlights ​that 34 percent ‌of “active shooter” ⁤attacks are stopped​ or limited by legal gun ‍owners responding to‍ the⁢ situation.

Thankfully, the left ‌has ‍not been ​successful in preventing⁣ legally ⁢armed citizens from ⁣carrying the firearms they use to save⁤ lives. And ⁢we can all ⁢be⁣ grateful that most ​people⁣ reject the ‍left’s false⁢ claim that‌ there⁢ is ‍no ⁣such thing as a​ good guy with a gun.

Source: The ⁣Western Journal

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