Conservative News Daily

Universal’s alleged stunt to handle protestors has left leftists furious with ‘comic book villain-level evil’.

Universal Pictures Accused of Trimming‌ Trees to ⁤Deny Shade to⁣ Picketers ⁣During Heatwave

Universal Pictures‌ is facing allegations of ⁤trimming trees outside its⁢ Hollywood property during‍ a heatwave⁤ to deprive picketers‍ of shade⁣ during the ​ongoing⁤ industry⁤ shutdown.⁣ The studio‍ has ‍denied hiring a landscaper for ⁣this purpose,​ but⁣ photos of the trimmed ⁢trees ⁣have‌ gone​ viral on social​ media,​ sparking‍ accusations​ of ‌cruelty.

Unions representing‌ the strikers have accused the ​company⁣ of‌ creating an unsafe ​environment, forcing picketers to patrol ‌busy streets ‍with ⁣significant car ​traffic.‌ The‌ Los Angeles⁤ City Controller’s ​Office is currently ‍investigating⁤ the ⁤tree trimming ​incident.

In response, NBCUniversal, the parent company ‍of ‌Universal Pictures,⁢ stated ⁢that the ‍tree pruning ‍was ​done ⁤for safety ​reasons ⁢and not⁣ as an attempt‌ to‍ undermine⁤ the⁢ union. ⁣The company⁤ has offered canopies ‌and ⁢tents​ to the ‍strikers‌ for⁤ shade and has clarified that⁤ the trees in question ‌have ‍been trimmed⁣ regularly for years.

Background‍ on the ⁤Writers’⁤ Strike

The ⁤ongoing ​strike by⁤ TV writers, ‌demanding better pay and residual‌ income, has been ​joined⁣ by ‌actors from ⁤the ​SAG-AFTRA union. Both groups⁤ are demanding higher wages, ⁤citing the impact of streaming ‌on‌ their income. This dual strike is the ⁣first to affect ‍the⁤ film‌ and​ TV⁣ industries⁤ since the 1960s.


Will ‌there be a quick ⁢end‌ to‍ the Writers’ ‌Strike?

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Source: The Western​ Journal

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