The epoch times

McCarthy denounces ‘Government Weaponization’ after Trump Electors charged.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy‌ Plans⁤ to‌ Investigate “Weaponization”‍ of Government

House⁤ Speaker Kevin​ McCarthy⁤ (R-Calif.) ‍told ​The⁤ Epoch Times‍ on​ July ​19 that ‍his ‍party plans to probe⁢ the “weaponization” of the government in response to news that ⁤Michigan electors in the 2020⁤ presidential election ‍for⁣ former President Donald Trump were being⁣ charged with felonies.

Michigan Attorney⁤ General ⁢Dana Nessel announced ‍in⁤ a July​ 18​ statement that she⁣ was charging 16‌ Michigan residents ​for what she identified as⁢ their role in ‍the “alleged⁤ false electors ⁤scheme following​ the 2020 ⁢U.S. presidential​ election.”

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Mr. ‌McCarthy responded ⁣to questions about the ⁢allegedly “false electors,” ‍saying, “We’re going ‌to look ⁢into that ⁣this is just ‍the⁣ weaponization​ of government that ​has happened ‍under​ Democrats.”

“This two-tiered justice ‌system going ⁣after ⁢their political opponents time and again, we see⁣ it each‍ and every ⁣day. ‌That’s why when⁢ we took the majority, we ⁣created the⁤ weaponization committee to⁤ look⁣ into this ‌to stop it,” he said.

The ⁤lawmaker​ answered ‍questions on⁣ the issue‌ just a day after 16 individuals were charged⁢ after signing⁣ documents ⁤following the ‍2020⁣ presidential ‍election ‌declaring that ‍Michigan had been won by⁣ Mr. ⁣Trump in⁤ the 2020 ⁢election.

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Each of the 16 individuals who ‍served as⁢ electors in‍ the⁢ 2020⁤ election ⁢are facing ⁤several‍ felonies ⁢that ‌together carry a‍ potential⁤ maximum⁤ sentence of 85 years in prison.

“The ⁢false electors’​ actions⁣ undermined ‍the public’s faith in⁢ the integrity⁢ of ​our elections and,⁢ we believe, ⁤also plainly violated the laws by which we⁢ administer our elections in Michigan,” Ms. Nessel ‍said in the statement.

“My ⁤department ⁤has⁤ prosecuted​ numerous cases ⁣of election ​law violations ​throughout⁢ my tenure, and ‍it would be malfeasance of the⁤ greatest magnitude if my department failed to act here⁢ in the‍ face of overwhelming evidence ‌of ‍an ⁣organized‌ effort to circumvent​ the⁢ lawfully cast ballots of millions of⁣ Michigan voters⁤ in a presidential election.”

⁢ ⁢

The⁢ attorney⁢ general’s arrests followed⁤ an investigation that ⁤found evidence‍ the 16 ⁢charged individuals met‍ at the state GOP ⁣headquarters⁣ in Michigan ⁣and⁣ signed their names ‌to false ​certificates stating ⁢they were ‌electors for Mr. Trump.

“The evidence ​will demonstrate​ there ​was no ​legal ⁢authority ​for the ⁤false electors‌ to ‌purport ​to act as ‘duly elected presidential electors’⁣ and execute the⁢ false electoral documents,”‍ Ms. Nessel‌ continued.

Alternate‌ Electors

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In response to Mr. Trump’s allegations ​of election ‍fraud in ⁤the 2020 presidential election, Republican ‍electors in seven⁢ states, including‍ Michigan, cast​ alternative ‍ballots ⁤supporting⁣ Mr.​ Trump’s ​claim that​ he‌ won the‍ election.

Even ⁢though it isn’t unheard of for ​different groups of electors‍ to⁣ vote in a presidential election, the fact‌ that so many⁤ states did so in 2020 made the election ⁣unique. As legal ‍challenges went ⁤through the ⁤courts, Republicans ⁢in ⁢some ‌states asserted ​that their‌ actions‍ would ⁤keep Mr. Trump’s‍ formal claim ⁣to the presidency.

Evidence​ in Ms.⁣ Nessel’s case‌ included documents that were subsequently sent to the ‍U.S. Senate and​ the

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