Conservative News Daily

Republicans must strategize for victory as a third Trump indictment approaches, warns Dick Morris.

The Democrats​ are Playing Dirty, But We Can’t Let Them Win

The Democrats are playing‌ dirty, ⁤but we⁣ can’t let ⁢them win. We have to play to win… ‌just⁢ like them.

By indicting Donald ⁢Trump again, the Democrats have upped their game.‍ This ⁢coming indictment is ⁣not like the ‍Alvin Bragg ⁤arrest⁢ or the classified⁣ document charges. Those are trivial by comparison.

It looks like the new indictment ​will be ⁣devised to‌ trigger the 14th⁤ Amendment’s prohibition ⁢on holding federal office after⁤ participating in an ⁤insurgency against the United States.

The ⁤14th Amendment and Its Impact

The 14th Amendment, passed as⁣ the Civil War drew to a ⁤close, prevents anyone ‍from ⁤holding federal‍ office if they have “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against [the ‍U.S.⁤ government], or⁣ given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.”

Prosecutor Jack‍ Smith may⁢ be⁤ attempting to portray ​Trump’s objections to the 2020 election and his ⁣demand for recounts ​and‌ audits as just such ⁢an “insurrection or ‌rebellion,” disqualifying⁢ him from becoming president again.

Smith may hope ​that, if Trump ⁢is convicted by a Washington, D.C., all-Democrat jury, ⁣secretaries ‍of ⁢state and governors in blue states will refuse ⁢to put him on the ‍ballot.

We ⁤who still value ‌free elections ⁢can‍ hope that‌ the courts — particularly ⁤the‍ Supreme Court —⁢ will thwart such a move. But do‌ we dare wait‍ until then? Especially as Democratic efforts to‍ remove ⁤Clarence​ Thomas from the high court⁤ gain steam?

Just‌ this week, the Michigan attorney general, Democrat‌ Dana Nessel, charged 16 Republicans with forgery and other felonies​ for seeking ​to‌ be designated ‌as pro-Trump ‍electors‍ in⁤ 2020.

Will Trump be ‌the GOP nominee in ⁢2024?
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The Democrats now realize that ⁤they cannot⁢ stop​ Trump⁢ from‌ becoming the‌ Republican nominee ‌for president again, and they ‌worry​ that Joe ‌Biden ⁤is not strong ⁣enough to defeat him in⁢ November 2024.

So they⁣ are determined to throw ​away‍ the democratic procedures to which we ⁣have ‍become accustomed and to pervert​ the justice system to bring him down. Their ⁤efforts to ‌stack ⁣the deck against⁤ Trump are akin‍ to a coup d’etat.

It is not‌ enough to fight⁢ them at the ballot‌ box. They⁣ may not let‌ it get ⁣that far.

Trump, the House Republican majority and ⁣the Senate Republican‌ minority do not realize the power they have, and they better start using⁣ it to save our democracy.

Controlling the power of⁤ the purse, the House‌ can refuse⁢ to‌ pass any appropriation bills until the Justice⁢ Department ⁣drops‌ its political prosecutions and its⁤ blatant interference in the ⁢2024 election.

Congressional Republicans should make one simple demand:​ Stop the prosecution ⁤of ​any presidential ​candidate until the election has been held.

Even if the Senate‍ objects, the‌ House has the power‌ to ‍bring the government ​to a halt by itself. ‍And a handful of ‍Republicans in the Senate can use⁢ their ​filibuster and committee ⁢privileges to bring Biden’s initiatives and​ nominees to​ a ⁤standstill.

Closing federal agencies until this⁤ unlawful affront​ to democracy and threat to our ​liberty is ​thwarted is a small price to pay‍ to keep our free elections in ⁤place and to use ​them to⁣ designate the next president.

Just‍ as⁣ it is illegal for a ​prosecutor‌ to reach into ⁤the Oval Office to pluck out ⁣a president and put him in jail, so it ‍should be illegal to indict and‌ remove ⁢from the voters’ consideration a candidate for the highest office, ⁣especially ‍the frontrunner for the‌ nomination.

The post Dick Morris: With Third Trump ‌Indictment Looming, Republicans Must Play to Win​ appeared first on The Western ‍Journal.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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