Conservative News Daily

See Tucker’s Shocked Response to Former Fox News Staff’s Dismissal.

Tucker ​Carlson Blasts‍ Corporate America for Treatment ‍of Former Staffers

Tucker Carlson, the former Fox News host, expressed​ his outrage ⁢at the‍ treatment ​of ​his⁤ former staffers at the ⁢network. Reports ⁤emerged that nine employees ‍from “Tucker Carlson ⁣Tonight” were escorted ⁤out ⁢of the building on their last day. The news was ‌first reported by Chadwick Moore, Carlson’s‌ biographer,​ who ‍described ⁢the company’s behavior as “degrading.”

EXCLUSIVE: ‍Tucker ⁢Carlson’s remaining ⁤team at‍ Fox ⁣News (nine‍ employees) will ​be ⁣frog marched out of the ⁢building tonight at 9:00pm. HR will ⁢be⁤ waiting outside the control ⁢room⁤ when they⁤ finish⁢ tonight’s show ​to escort the remaining‍ producers outside. One​ former‌ Carlson producer… ⁤

— Chadwick Moore (@Chadwick_Moore) July 14, 2023

During an interview ​at the Family Leadership Summit ​in⁤ Iowa, ​Glenn ‍Beck‌ asked Carlson​ about ⁣the incident. Carlson responded by criticizing the⁣ culture of major corporations‍ and their human‌ resource practices. ⁣He argued‌ that loyalty should ​be ⁣reciprocal‍ and that publicly ⁤traded companies often fail ​to show loyalty to their ⁣employees.

In case you missed it, Tucker⁢ Carlson discovered that the remaining ‌Fox staffers were‌ being fired ‌and escorted⁢ out of​ the office ⁤by⁣ HR. He strongly criticizes human resource departments, stating that ⁢they have made companies more heartless⁣ and cruel, driven by⁤ legal… ‌

—⁤ Ethan Harsell (@ethan_harsell) ⁤July⁤ 18, 2023

Carlson also expressed ⁤his ​disdain​ for‍ the‌ evolution ‌of human resources departments, which​ he believes‌ have become‌ instruments of⁤ cruelty and coercion. He ‌argued that HR departments have made companies more soulless ‍and at the‌ mercy of ​lawyers, damaging ​the⁢ well-being of employees.

Beck suggested that Carlson’s recent negative experience with human ⁤resources may have influenced ⁤his ‌strong reaction. Carlson confirmed that ‍he⁣ had ‌a ⁢negative encounter‌ with HR at⁣ a different company,⁢ which ‍led him to vow never ‌to speak to an HR department again.

Despite ⁣the controversy, Carlson remains steadfast in‌ his ‍belief that loyalty‌ and respect should ​be fundamental values⁢ in‍ corporate America.

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Carlson’s remarks ‌highlight ⁣the ⁢ongoing debate ‍surrounding⁤ the treatment of employees in corporate America and⁢ the role of human resources departments in‌ maintaining a‍ healthy ⁣work environment.

The post‍ Watch ⁤Tucker’s Reaction⁤ After‍ He Finds​ Out His ⁢Past Staff at Fox News Have Been​ Fired appeared first on The Western ​Journal.

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