Washington Examiner

Biden caught in fiery Democratic debate on Israel.

President⁢ Joe Biden Balances Support ⁣for Israel

President Joe Biden is‍ working diligently‌ to navigate ⁣the ‌complex dynamics surrounding Israel,‌ aiming to please all sides ‌involved. Amid a meeting with the country’s president⁤ and a phone ⁤call with its prime‌ minister, the White⁢ House found ‌itself⁤ facing ⁤questions about remarks⁢ from⁢ a ‌progressive⁣ Democrat.

Clear‍ Stance Against‌ Antisemitism

“When ⁤it ‍comes to antisemitism, the entire Biden-Harris administration⁣ has been clear‍ that when⁢ Israel‌ is singled out because of anti-Jewish hate, that is‍ unacceptable,”‌ press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre⁣ said earlier ​this ‍week. “We’ve⁣ been clear on ‍speaking ‌against ‌antisemitism.”

However, the controversy arose when‍ Jean-Pierre did⁣ not⁤ explicitly condemn the ‍comments made by‍ Congressional Progressive ⁢Caucus Chairwoman Pramila ‌Jayapal (D-WA) at ​a⁤ conference ‌in Chicago.​ Pro-Palestinian protesters had disrupted the ‌conference, prompting⁤ Jayapal‍ to speak out.

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Striving⁤ for Balance

Jayapal ‍stated, “We ​have been fighting ‌to ⁤make​ it ⁢clear that Israel ⁣is ⁤a racist‌ state.”‍ She ‍quickly‍ apologized for⁢ her ⁤comments,⁢ which⁤ the White​ House ‍welcomed. Nevertheless, ‌this⁢ ongoing controversy has Biden working‍ to⁢ find a balance between ​celebrating Israel’s ⁤status as a U.S. ally and addressing the⁤ concerns ⁣of ⁢progressives.

This balancing ‌act was‍ evident‌ throughout the‍ week.‍ Biden met with⁤ Israeli President ​Isaac Herzog⁣ in ⁢person, taking ⁢photos together, while⁢ also holding ⁤a phone⁣ call ⁣with ⁤right-leaning ⁢Prime ​Minister‌ Benjamin ⁢Netanyahu.

One⁢ of Netanyahu’s‌ recent initiatives involves overhauling Israel’s judicial system,⁤ a⁤ plan ⁣that has divided ​the country. ‌Biden urged him‌ not ⁢to⁤ rush ⁣the ⁤process and emphasized his commitment to‌ negotiating​ a two-state solution to the ​Israel-Palestine conflict during his meeting ‌with ⁣Herzog.

When⁣ asked‍ about Netanyahu visiting the⁢ White House, Biden ​simply replied, “We’re ⁢talking.”

The situation⁢ escalated further ‍in ⁢Congress.​ Herzog became the ⁣first Israeli president since his father‍ in ⁤1987 to address⁣ a joint⁢ session, ⁤marking Israel’s⁢ 75th ⁤year‌ of⁢ independence.‍ However, Jayapal, along with ⁤progressive ⁣representatives Alexandria ‌Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Jamaal Bowman, Ilhan Omar, and ​Cori ‌Bush, ‌chose to ​skip the address. Jewish lawmaker‌ Sen. Bernie⁢ Sanders, who‍ has been critical of⁢ Israel, also ‌declined ‍to ⁤attend.

Rebuke⁤ and Support

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Despite ‌Jayapal’s⁤ controversial⁣ comment,‍ all⁤ of the⁣ House’s​ Democratic leadership rebuked her, and​ Republicans ⁢forced a⁤ vote affirming that⁤ Israel is ​not​ a “racist or ​apartheid state.” The ⁢measure⁤ passed overwhelmingly, with Jayapal herself supporting it.

Nevertheless,​ some Republicans ‌have accused Biden‌ of being⁢ too accommodating toward ‍progressives​ and ⁤not ‍supportive ‍enough of ⁣Israel. However, Biden’s ‍overall ⁤comments expressed firm‌ support for ‌Israel, as​ did the‌ overwhelming House vote, even among​ Democratic representatives.

Firm‍ Support for Israel

“This is ⁤a⁣ friendship, ⁣I⁢ believe, that’s⁢ just simply‌ unbreakable.⁤ Unbreakable,”⁣ Biden emphasized. ⁤”And together,​ working ‌to⁢ bring more stability and‌ integration ‍in the Middle⁢ East. And ‍a lot⁤ of hard work. We’ve ​got a ⁢lot more to⁣ do,⁢ but there’s progress.”

Democratic ⁣strategist‍ Michael‍ Stratton commended Biden’s handling ⁣of ‍the situation,⁢ acknowledging the ​complexity‌ of the ​relationship⁤ with ‍Israel. Stratton highlighted Biden’s‍ unique skills⁢ in⁢ keeping all parties ⁢at the table.

On⁢ the ‍domestic front, Stratton attributed the controversy ‍to⁤ the Democratic Party’s broad base of⁣ voters, stating, ⁢”The ⁢bigger ‍the ​tent,⁣ the broader​ the voices.”


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