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FBI once more misuses spy powers, targets US Senator and officials.

FBI⁤ Caught Again Improperly Using Spy ​Powers – This Time on US Senator and⁤ Other Officials

A Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court‍ opinion released on Friday reveals ‍that ​the FBI improperly ​conducted intelligence queries​ on a U.S. senator, a state senator, and a state judge.

Section ‍702‍ of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act allows federal government agencies to conduct targeted surveillance of non-U.S. ‌citizens located abroad using intelligence databases.

“When U.S. citizens are flagged as part ⁤of‌ these investigations, the⁣ FBI takes⁢ over ‌the process of querying them for possible security reasons,” Fox News notes.

Presiding FISC Judge Rudolph Contreras wrote the April⁢ opinion, released Friday by the office of the ‌Director of⁣ National Intelligence, that the‌ FBI conducted queries into three individuals in 2022 that‍ did not meet the standard established ⁤by law.

“Some ​violations of the querying standard‌ coincided with failure to ⁢follow​ an FBI policy​ that requires prior⁢ Deputy ​Director approval to use ‘sensitive query terms’ — e.g. identifiers of domestic public⁤ officials, domestic political candidates, members of the news media,​ academics, and religious organizations‌ or persons prominent within them,” the ⁢opinion stated.

Contreras wrote that in June 2022, “an analyst‍ conducted four queries of Section 702 information using the last names of a U.S. Senator⁢ and ‌a state ‍senator, without ⁣further limitation.”

“The analyst had information that a‌ specific⁤ foreign intelligence service was targeting those legislators, but⁢ [National Security Division of the Justice Department] determined that the querying standard was ‌not satisfied,” ⁣Contreras ‍wrote.

Then in October 2022, the​ judge wrote that “a staff⁢ operations specialist ran a‍ query using the social security number​ of⁢ a state⁣ judge‍ who had complained to FBI about alleged civil rights violations‍ perpetrated by a municipal chief of police.’”

The identities of the U.S. senator and ⁤state senator,‌ as well as⁤ the ​state judge are ⁢not revealed ​in the judge’s opinion.

Contreras wrote that despite​ these ‍“reported errors” there “is ⁢reason to⁢ believe ⁤that the FBI ⁤has been⁣ doing a better job in applying the querying standard.”

The judge also highlighted how reforms the FBI​ undertook ​in 2021 appear to be “having the desired effect.” (page 83).

The FBI’s noncompliance ​rate was 1.8 percent of the‍ time.

Still, ‌it’s the second time this year that the bureau has been found improperly using its ⁢surveillance powers. A court finding unsealed in May found that ‍During the year that‌ ended in November 2021, ‌the FBI conducted warrantless searches 278,000 times.

In the ⁣year ending November ‌2022, the FBI conducted 204,000 queries, which⁢ was a 94 percent drop from the previous year’s reporting period when the agency did almost 3.4 million searches,​ according to Fox News.

The subjects of the queries included those who participated in the protest surrounding the Capitol incursion on ‌Jan. ⁤6, 2021, as well as those who ⁤took part in the​ protests and riots following the death of George Floyd in May 2020.

Contreras wrote in an April ⁤2022 opinion that “compliance problems ‍with the querying of ​Section 702 information⁤ have proven to be persistent​ and widespread.”

“If ⁣they are not ‌substantially ‍mitigated by these recent measures, it may⁢ become⁣ necessary ⁢to consider other responses, such ‌as substantially ⁣limiting the number of FBI personnel with access⁤ to unminimized Section 702 information,” the‌ judge added.

Following the release of ​Friday’s report, FBI Director Christopher Wray touted the judge’s view that the FBI had improved in complying ⁢with⁣ the law.

“The 2023 FISC Opinion⁤ confirms the significant improvement in the ​FBI’s Section‌ 702 querying compliance since⁣ the implementation of our substantial reforms,” he said in a statement.

“Section 702 is critical in our fight ​against foreign adversaries. We take seriously our role in protecting national⁤ security and we take just as seriously our responsibility ​to be good stewards of our Section 702 authorities,”⁤ Wray added.

“We will continue to focus on using‍ our Section 702 authorities to⁢ protect American lives and keeping ‌our Homeland safe, while safeguarding civil ‍rights and liberties.”

The ‍FBI noted in its news release that Section 702 will expire on⁢ Dec. ⁢31 unless Congress takes​ action to reauthorize it.

The Associated Press reported the ⁣Biden administration supports renewal of the program, but faces bipartisan opposition in Congress.

“Many Democratic and Republican ⁣lawmakers say they won’t ‌vote to renew Section ‍702 when it expires at ​this year’s end‌ without major changes ​targeting how the⁢ FBI uses foreign surveillance⁣ data ⁢to investigate Americans,” ‌according to the AP.

Patrick Toomey, deputy director of⁢ the ACLU’s National Security Project, said⁣ in a statement,⁣ “The FBI continues to break the rules put in place to ‌protect Americans, running illegal searches on public officials‌ including a U.S. senator, and it’s long past time⁣ for Congress to step ‍in.

“As Congress​ debates reauthorizing Section 702, ⁢these opinions ‌make ​clear why fundamental reforms are urgently needed.”

The post FBI‍ Caught Again Improperly Using ⁤Spy Powers ⁢– This Time on US Senator and Other Officials ⁢ appeared first on The Western Journal.

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