Washington Examiner

Hunter Biden pleads ‘not guilty’ as judge rejects plea agreement.

President Joe Biden’s Son Pleads “Not Guilty” in ⁤Court

WILMINGTON, Delaware — In a‌ dramatic court hearing, Hunter Biden, the son of‌ President Joe​ Biden, pleaded “not guilty” after a federal judge in Delaware refused to accept a prearranged plea deal. The⁢ judge expressed concerns about the terms of the agreement and the ⁤ongoing‌ investigation.

A Surprising Turn of Events

U.S. ⁣District Judge Maryellen Noreika surprised everyone when she raised questions‍ about the plea deal during the hearing. She expressed her reservations and stated ‌that she couldn’t‌ make a decision on the agreement at that moment.

“You all‍ are telling me to ‘please rubber stamp this agreement,‌ your honor.’ I am not in a ⁣position where I can decide on the⁤ plea agreement,” the judge continued.

The prosecution confirmed ⁤that the investigation ⁣into Hunter Biden was ⁤still ongoing, contradicting previous speculations that ⁢the plea⁣ deal would bring an end to the yearslong inquiry into his business dealings. The judge expressed frustration,⁣ questioning why⁢ the process was being done piecemeal.

A Plea Agreement in Jeopardy

Hunter Biden’s​ attorney, Chris Clark, declared that the plea agreement was null and void if there was a possibility⁣ of future prosecution. ⁣The court then went into recess as the ‌judge requested more details on the arrangement.

Lawyers later presented a revised plea deal, but the judge rejected ⁣the idea and asked for further briefings from the ⁤attorneys.

Not Guilty Plea⁤ and Potential Consequences

Hunter Biden ⁣ultimately entered a plea of “not guilty” on the‌ two tax ⁢charges. Without the‍ plea agreement, he could face up ⁢to 12 months in prison and a fine of $25,000 for each tax violation count, as well as a maximum sentence of 10 years in ‌jail for the felony charge.

The charges stem from Hunter Biden’s willful tax neglect in 2017 and 2018, as well as his false statements on a gun application ​in 2018.

A Controversial⁣ Case

The high-profile nature of the⁢ case‌ has drawn attention and raised questions ‌about ‌equal treatment under the law. Republican lawmakers have criticized the plea⁢ agreement as ⁣a “sweetheart deal” and have pointed to alleged obstacles faced by the prosecutor in ⁣bringing harsher charges against Hunter‌ Biden.

Legal experts expected the judge to approve the plea deal, but the hearing has ⁤shown that she is taking the ⁣matter seriously and thoroughly examining its terms.

If the plea deal had⁢ been accepted, ⁣it would have marked the ⁤conclusion of ⁢a nearly five-year investigation into Hunter‌ Biden’s taxes and foreign business dealings. It⁣ would have also been the first time the Justice Department brought charges against a sitting president’s child.

This is a developing ⁤story and will ⁢be updated.

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