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Romney’s strategy: Prevent Trump from securing GOP nomination in 2024.

Mitt Romney Crafts Plan to Make Sure Trump Does Not Get ‌GOP Nomination in 2024

Mitt Romney is the poster child for the acronym RINO — Republican in Name ⁢Only.

The former Republican nominee for president and current senator from Utah showed his true colors again in an Op-Ed in the Wall⁤ Street Journal, where he outlined his strategy for ensuring that Donald Trump does not win the Republican Party’s nomination for president.

The Op-Ed titled “Donors,​ Don’t⁤ Fund a‌ Trump Plurality,” and ⁤subtitled, ⁣“As in 2016, Republican candidates ​won’t drop out soon ‌enough. Here’s how to give them a push,” outlined ⁢Romney’s strategy⁤ to push out candidates⁤ that may dilute the vote, essentially turning ‍the primaries into a two-person race.

“Megadonors and influencers—large and⁢ small—are going to have to do something they didn’t do in 2016: get candidates they ⁤support​ to agree to ⁤withdraw if and when their paths to the nomination ​are effectively closed,” Romney wrote ⁤in his Wall ⁣Street Journal ⁢piece.

“That decision day should ‌be no later‌ than, ⁣say, ⁤Feb. ‍26, the⁢ Monday following the contests in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina,” he added.

The ‌New York Post reported Saturday that “if the 2024 Republican presidential primary were held today,‌ Trump would⁤ win with 52% of voters.”

This means‌ that even if ⁣all Republican votes not cast for Trump were combined and given ‌to the opposing party, Trump would still emerge as the winner.

Additionally, according‌ to the Post report, in‍ a head-to-head matchup against Biden, Trump is projected to win with a margin of 45 to 40 percent, with 16 percent of voters undecided.

These favorable odds of victory against‍ the Democratic candidate⁢ raise the question: Why would Romney push for another candidate‍ to​ win the ‍ primaries against⁣ Trump?

Why ask big⁤ donors to pull their support ​from their chosen candidate in the primaries in an ​attempt to consolidate support for ⁤an alternative to Trump?

Fox New’s Laura Ingraham summed it ​up when she addressed Romney after his impeachment vote⁤ against⁣ Trump. ⁤Referring to him as “the ultimate selfish, preening, self-centered politician,” Ingraham continued, “Mitt, you made your stand. Now you⁤ should resign. ⁢You committed a fraud on the people of Utah, on the Republican Party, on the Constitution, and have thoroughly embarrassed⁢ yourself. If I‌ have to move ​there to run ⁤against him in ⁢four and ‌a half years, I will,” she said.

Washington State Republican candidate⁤ for Congress Jerrod Sessler, who is running against one of the 10 Trump-impeaching Republicans, Rep.‌ Dan Newhouse, commented on Romney’s Wall Street Journal Op-Ed calling him a “turncoat.”

In a⁤ tweet, Sessler pointed ​out the need ‍to “replace establishment characters” who do not have the best interests of the party at heart.

“If you’re not tirelessly passionate about serving the needs of the people then [it’s] time to go home,” Sessler ⁣said.

Trump himself called out the Utah senator in a tweet in 2020, writing, “Had‌ failed presidential candidate @MittRomney ​devoted the ⁢same energy and anger to defeating a ‍faltering Barack Obama as he sanctimoniously does to me, he ⁣could have won the election. Read the Transcripts!”

In a speech at CPAC in 2020, ⁤Trump talked about how ⁤the Republicans stuck together, except Romney, referring to‌ him as a “lowlife.”

We have a chance in the next ⁣election to ⁣make ⁣choices‍ in⁣ national races that are bigger than personal preferences or ⁢a few ⁣state-level policies that benefit⁣ us​ personally.

As we see⁤ our nation devolving, it is time‌ to make ‌decisions that go beyond selfish, self-serving attitudes.

Mitt Romney has shown‌ us time and time again that he is willing to turn against party‍ and nation to feed his own ego.

“Our party and our country need⁣ a nominee with character, driven by something greater than revenge and ego, preferably from the next generation,” ‍Romney wrote in ​his Op-Ed.  “Family, friends and campaign donors are the only people who can get a lost-cause ⁣candidate to exit the race. After​ Feb. 26, they should start doing just ⁤that.”

Romney is right about one ⁣thing. Our country does need candidates with character.

Maybe in the next election, the people of Utah can vote for a senator who has some.

The post Mitt Romney Crafts Plan to Make Sure Trump Does Not Get GOP Nomination in 2024 appeared first on The Western Journal.

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