Washington Examiner

Lincoln Day Dinner: DeSantis slams Hunter Biden, claims no pocket-filling for his son.

Gov. Ron ‍DeSantis Criticizes Hunter Biden’s Foreign Business⁤ Dealings

During ⁣the‌ Iowa⁢ Republican Party’s ⁤Lincoln​ Day dinner in Des Moines, Gov.⁤ Ron DeSantis ‌(R-FL) took ‌aim at⁢ Hunter Biden’s controversial foreign⁤ business dealings. With ⁤the ⁤recent collapse of Biden’s federal tax and gun crime‍ plea deal in ‍court, DeSantis didn’t hold back in his ⁤criticism.

“My son ⁢is only⁣ 5 ‍years old, so he’s ‍not going to be lining his pockets with money ⁢from foreign governments,” DeSantis stated.

DeSantis’s Strong Stance on Border‍ and Public ⁣Health Policies

The audience at the dinner responded enthusiastically ⁣to DeSantis’s ‌strong stance ⁢on border security and public health policies. His anti-government weaponization position also garnered⁣ a boisterous‍ reaction.

“You don’t‌ coddle bureaucrats like Dr. ⁤ Anthony ⁣Fauci,” DeSantis declared, referring ​to the ​former director⁢ of the National ⁤Institute of​ Allergy and Infectious​ Diseases. “You bring ⁢them in and say, ‘You are ​fired.'”

Earlier in the ⁤day,‍ DeSantis distanced himself from former President Donald Trump’s legal troubles and addressed criticism regarding the ⁢Florida Board ⁢of Education’s‍ new black teaching standards. These standards were changed to align school ‍curricula with⁤ DeSantis’s Stop ‌WOKE Act.

“When they’re shooting at you, the way ⁤you handle​ it is not shoot yourself in‍ the foot and then⁢ make sure you‍ keep your eye ‌on the ball,” DeSantis explained after a small business​ stop⁤ in Albia. “So that is what we’re gonna do: keep​ our eye on the⁤ ball, stay focused on the mission, and deliver results for the American people.”

The Lincoln Day ⁤Dinner: ⁤A‌ Platform for 2024 Republican Presidential Candidates

The Lincoln Day Dinner holds significant importance for potential⁣ 2024 ⁤Republican primary presidential candidates. It provides ​them with a ⁣critical opportunity ⁣to‌ differentiate themselves from a crowded field before the first-in-the-nation caucuses in January.

According to RealClearPolitics, the current ​support among potential candidates‌ is as follows:

  • Donald Trump: 52%
  • Ron DeSantis: 18%
  • Vivek ⁤Ramaswamy and Mike⁣ Pence: 5%
  • Nikki Haley: 4%
  • Tim Scott: 3%

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