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San Francisco officials enraged by Elon’s superhero-style addition to former Twitter HQ.

Twitter Rebrands to X: A New Era of‌ Social Media Possibilities

Like Batman’s bat signal, a giant “X” — the new logo ‌of the now-rebranded Twitter, illuminated the⁢ San Francisco night sky on Friday, signaling the dawn of a new era in the world of social media — an era⁣ of possibilities with an⁢ app where “everything” is possible.

Elon Musk has long made claims of developing a “super app,” also known as an “everything app,” and the rebranding of Twitter to X may be another step in that⁤ direction.

“Batman. Is that you?” ⁤one‌ user wrote after Musk posted a video of the sure-to-become iconic ‌sign.

But every ⁢superhero needs a villain, and it seemed as if San Francisco city⁢ officials were almost written for the part, making every effort to thwart the erection⁤ of the sign.

According to The Associated Press, city officials have ⁣opened a complaint and launched an investigation, on the grounds that altering⁤ letters or⁢ symbols on buildings or erecting new signs requires a⁣ permit for⁢ both design and safety reasons.

Earlier in the week, San Francisco police stopped workers from removing Twitter’s iconic bird and logo from ⁢the​ building’s side, as NBC ​News reported. Officials said the workers hadn’t taken proper safety measures‍ to protect pedestrians ​on ‌the sidewalk, according to ‍the AP.

Patrick Hannan, spokesman⁢ for the⁣ Department of‌ Building⁢ Inspection,‍ told the AP in an email that any ⁤replacement letters or symbols would‍ require a permit to ensure “consistency with the⁤ historic ‌nature of the building” and to ensure that additions are safely attached to the⁣ sign.

Hannan added that the city is opening a complaint and starting an investigation because “planning‌ review⁢ and approval is also necessary for⁢ the installation ⁤of this sign,” according to the AP.

One would think that the city of San Francisco had more important things to ⁣do than worry about the “consistency” of letters on a building.

With crime in the ⁣city soaring and homelessness reaching an⁤ unprecedented level, San Francisco⁣ now bears an eerie resemblance to the dystopian Gotham City setting ⁤of “Batman” movies.

A recent piece in the U.K. ⁢ Daily Mail describes how once-thriving Union Square and downtown areas now stand⁣ as stark shadows of their former selves, with⁤ rows of empty stores and boarded-up businesses.

Almost every business in the property ⁢has‌ left, the Daily Mail reported, except ‍a⁣ branch of Dr. Martens and ‍an Urban ‍Outfitters store.

One resident described the homelessness crisis ​to the ⁤newspaper this way: “They defecate, they urinate‌ on the street. They do drugs on the street. The mayor isn’t doing anything ‍and‌ it’s been like this for a very long time.”

The exodus of major companies has led to⁣ a surge in office vacancies, which reached a record high of ⁢31 percent in May, according to the‍ Daily Mail. This staggering figure translates to enough space to accommodate a staggering 92,000 workers,⁤ according to the newspaper.

According to the Daily Mail​ article, officials say the current situation is expected to contribute‍ to a staggering budget ⁣shortfall of $1.3 billion over the⁣ next five years. The decline in property tax revenue alone is projected to amount to ‍nearly $200 million ⁤per‌ year, as detailed in‌ a worst-case ⁤scenario⁤ outlined ‍by the city’s chief accountant, the ‍Daily Mail reported.

But the “jokers” at the San Francisco city office ​have bigger things to ‌worry about.

While the city falls apart around them, they are busy ensuring the​ “consistency” of the lettering on one of ‌the ⁣only businesses still standing.

After the treatment X has received from the city, no one‌ could blame ⁤the company for ​leaving, too.

But Musk has made it clear that he has no intention of ⁣quitting the⁤ City by the Bay.

“Many have offered rich incentives for X (fka ‍Twitter) to move its ⁢HQ out of San⁣ Francisco,” Musk tweeted on Saturday.”Moreover,​ the city is‍ in a doom spiral with one company after another left or‍ leaving. ⁣Therefore, they expect X ⁢will move too. We will not.”

“You only know who‍ your real friends are when ⁤the chips are down. San Francisco, beautiful San Francisco, though others forsake you, we will always ​be your friend,”⁣ Musk ended poetically.

Sounds⁤ like the words ​of a real-life superhero.

The post ⁤ San⁤ Francisco Officials Furious Over Elon’s Superhero-Style Addition to Old Twitter HQ appeared first​ on The Western⁣ Journal.

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