Washington Examiner

Three upcoming meteor showers will reach their peak over the weekends, with two of them peaking on Sunday night.

A Trio of ​Meteor Showers to Light Up the Sky

A​ trio of‌ spectacular⁤ meteor showers are set to dazzle stargazers over the next few weeks, with two of them reaching their ⁣peak on Sunday nights. These ⁢showers have been gracing our skies ⁢since early July, but the upcoming weekends⁢ promise the best views. To catch this celestial spectacle, find a spot away from city lights for⁤ an‌ unobstructed view, as ⁢recommended by the American Meteor Society.

The⁤ Delta Aquariids: Peak Night on July 30

Active since July ‍18 ‍and continuing ⁣until August 21, the Delta Aquariids shower offers a mesmerizing display.⁤ Although these meteors‌ are usually faint and lack persistent trails and ⁢fireballs, they are more visible⁤ in the Southern hemisphere. However, keep in mind that Sunday night’s 95% full‌ moon might make it slightly challenging‍ to fully appreciate this particular meteor shower.

The Alpha‍ Capricornids:​ Peak Night⁣ on‌ July 30

While the⁤ Alpha Capricornids shower may ⁢not produce a high number of shower members per hour, it compensates with its remarkable bright fireballs. Unlike the Delta Aquariids, this shower can be observed from both​ the⁣ Northern and Southern hemispheres. It has ​been active since July 7 and will remain visible until August 15.

The Perseids: Peak Nights on‌ August ⁤12 and 13

Considered the highlight of these three ‍showers, the Perseids ‍meteor shower will ⁣grace the sky in mid-August.⁢ Active since July 14 and lasting until September 1, this ⁣shower promises an​ impressive display. At its ‌peak, ​expect ⁢to witness an average of 50-75 shower members every hour.⁣ Don’t miss this breathtaking celestial event!

Looking ahead, mark your calendars⁤ for two⁤ more exciting meteor​ showers later this⁢ year. The Orionids and the⁤ Southern Taurids will become active in late ⁤September. The Orionids will be most visible on the nights of October 20-21, while the Southern Taurids will shine⁣ brightest on⁢ November ‍4-5.

Get ready to be captivated by⁣ the wonders of the night sky!

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