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DeSantis unveils 10-point plan for economic independence.

Florida Governor Ron​ DeSantis Unveils Presidential Economic Policy ⁤Agenda

Florida‍ Governor Ron DeSantis recently revealed ‌his ambitious presidential ‌economic policy agenda while on the campaign trail in ‌New ​Hampshire. This ⁤platform, known as the “Declaration⁤ of Economic ​Independence,” outlines a ⁢10-point policy plan that mirrors the successful agenda DeSantis⁤ has implemented in Florida.

Under ⁤DeSantis’ leadership, Florida ​has earned the title of the best economy in the⁣ nation, with CNBC describing it as “white hot.” The CATO Institute also ‌ranks‍ Florida as the top state for fiscal policy freedom and economic freedom. Additionally, the state leads the country in new ‍business startups.

DeSantis’⁣ Vision for the U.S. Economy

DeSantis’ agenda highlights the challenges⁤ facing​ the ‍U.S. economy, including high​ prices caused by reckless⁤ government spending, sluggish economic growth, a growing national debt, increased competition⁤ from China, ⁤high taxes, and excessive‌ regulations.

The campaign⁤ takes a strong stance against communist China, declaring‌ their economic goal as “We Win.‍ They Lose.”

The “Declaration ⁢of‌ Economic Independence” aims​ to break away from the failed elites, China, reckless​ government spending, central ⁢planners, far-left ‍agendas like the​ Green New ‌Deal, and⁢ powerful woke corporations.

The 10-Point Plan

  • Ending America’s “abusive relationship” ⁣with China by⁣ addressing trade deficits, ​reshoring capital and supply chains, and⁤ ensuring American companies prioritize American interests.
  • Achieving 3% economic growth ⁢through regulatory cuts, tax ⁢reductions, and incentives for domestic⁤ investment.
  • Making America Energy Independent ​by utilizing domestic⁤ energy resources and‌ modernizing the national grid‌ for ​future growth⁢ and security.
  • Clamping ⁤down on ⁣woke ESG initiatives in‍ major corporations.
  • Returning the U.S.‌ to an economic ⁤system of meritocracy.
  • Reforming the education system by​ supporting school choice, protecting‌ parental rights, reforming accreditation, and directing funding towards‍ future job-oriented programs and institutions.
  • Protecting American ⁢jobs from illegal ‍immigration by enforcing immigration laws and securing the border.
  • Reining in the Federal⁤ Reserve ​ by appointing a Chairman focused⁢ on ⁣maintaining a stable dollar rather than succumbing⁢ to political pressures.
  • Ending corporate bailouts and demanding greater transparency ⁢from big banks and financial actors.
  • Ending reckless‌ government spending.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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