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Drone video reveals man igniting wildfire, challenging Climate Change Theory.

Climate Change Theory up in Smoke as ‍Drone Video Shows ⁣Man Sparking Wildfire in Italy

A drone video of a⁢ man ‌suspected of setting fires in southern Italy‌ has⁢ busted the popular narrative in ‍the media‌ and in government that “climate change”⁤ is‍ behind a global spate of wildfires.

Over the course of the last several months, wildfires in Canada have generated headlines ⁢as Americans in the northeast have dealt with the ‍smoke.

A July 1⁢ report published by the Associated Press of ‌the fires claimed,‌ “Climate change keeps making ⁣wildfires and smoke worse.”

Similar wildfires in California⁤ — where such blazes⁢ have been common as long as the ‍area has been inhabited — have​ also been blamed on the left’s climate change boogieman.

A professor named Michael Mann from⁣ the University​ of Pennsylvania portrayed the blazes as something the world will⁣ have to grapple⁢ with ‌as human⁣ behavior will presumably make the planet uninhabitable.

“Is this a​ new ​normal?” he told the​ AP. ​“No, it’s a new abnormal… It continues to get worse. If we continue to warm‍ the planet, we⁤ don’t settle into some new state. It’s an ever-moving baseline⁣ of worse and worse.”

In spite of the well-known fact that summers can‍ be hot and dry — a⁤ perfect cocktail for fire​ — we’ve been told the culprit ‍is the failure of the world ‌to embrace ‍ green energy.

While North America has faced large wildfires this year,‍ they ⁤are also ⁣occurring⁢ in Italy, where some of them do appear to be manmade.

Police operating ⁤a⁣ drone ​in the Italian region of Calabria recently filmed a man sparking fires ⁢in the countryside of the area.

After he became aware of the presence‌ of the drone, ⁣the man⁢ on the​ video⁢ began ⁢to throw rocks at it:

The U.K.’s ⁤ Independent reported Roberto⁤ Occhiuto, the president of ⁣the region, said 22 people suspected of‌ setting wildfires have recently been filmed in the act by⁢ police‍ drones.

It is unclear how many of those people have ‌been arrested‍ and charged. But their actions⁢ are inconvenient for those who continue to ⁢push the climate doom agenda on the rest of the world.

Some of Italy’s fires are most certainly ⁤to blame on human activities — ⁤activities such ⁢as intentionally setting fires.

It is not known⁣ if some wildfires across North America​ that have wreaked havoc on‍ air quality and wildlife ⁤throughout the past⁣ few⁣ months can be ‌blamed on arson, which ⁣can be difficult to trace.

Residents of New ⁢York‌ City dealt with⁤ the smoke in June in ‌an event that was sued to stoke fear:

But the left’s ⁤gloomy ⁣narratives ‍surrounding climate change and its ⁢supposed threat to all ‍life as we know it took a ⁣hit when police in ⁤Italy released that video and when authorities in ⁣ Greece said arson was also⁣ the culprit of many ⁢of its ⁤fires:

As the left collectively blames ​human activity for the phenomenon that⁣ has commonly been referred‍ to as “summer,”⁣ there is no doubt entire regions are at risk of fires by human activity.

In ⁢Italy, Greece ​and presumably in other⁤ places, the culprits⁢ are not those whose ⁢activities ⁢include driving, raising livestock or flying to popular seasonal destinations.

Malevolent⁤ people are responsible‌ for fires by quite literally setting them ⁣with the apparent intent to see them grow as large‍ as possible.

Some people simply want‌ to watch⁤ the world ​burn.

Meanwhile, their actions⁣ are sure to be⁣ used‌ by ‍ the climate​ lobby to⁤ tell people around ⁤the world that they pose‍ an existential threat to the planet because they refuse to ​eat bugs.

The‍ post Climate ‍Change Theory up in Smoke ‌as Drone Video Shows Man Sparking Wildfire in Italy appeared first on The​ Western Journal.

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