The federalist

Supporters of Joe Biden defending his questionable phone calls appear absurd.

Joe Biden’s Secret Weather Conversations

Did you know that the Bidens have a hidden passion for ⁣meteorology? It’s true! Hunter Biden, ⁢in the midst ⁢of ​important business meetings, would often call his dad just to ‌chat about the weather. It seems ⁤that Joe’s love for⁢ all things climate extended to casual⁢ conversations with his son.

According to Hunter’s business⁢ partner, Devon Archer,⁣ Joe Biden had spoken to Biden Inc. clientele ⁢at least 20 times. Daniel Goldman, an entertaining commentator, explained that these conversations often revolved around niceties about the weather. But some⁢ speculate that it was Joe’s love for his son that kept them on ⁣the phone, especially during the difficult ​time when Beau Biden was⁤ ill and eventually passed ‌away.

However, let’s ‌not be fooled. These pundits think⁤ we’re gullible nitwits. If your crack-addicted son puts you on speaker phone ⁢with executives⁣ from a company under investigation, and you’re ​supposed to be fighting corruption in that country, you hang up and ⁣call him back later. Hunter Biden, with his 13 burner phones, was certainly not difficult to reach.

Some news outlets tried to downplay the significance of these conversations, claiming that⁤ Joe⁤ Biden never talked shop. But the evidence suggests otherwise. Burisma executives and Hunter called ​”D.C.” about the problem of prosecutor Viktor Shokin, ‌and soon after, something ⁣happened by complete happenstance. The⁢ “illusion of access” narrative makes it seem like Joe was an innocent⁢ dad caught up in his family’s shady ⁢dealings, but the mounting circumstantial evidence​ suggests otherwise.

Even CNN’s Dana Bash admitted that these relationships operate in⁤ gray areas intentionally. When you’re⁢ related to a famous or powerful person, you want ‌your ​clients ⁢to know that you have influence. And in ​this case, there was no business without Joe. If Joe‌ Biden knew about his son’s involvement with⁢ Burisma and still used his position to pressure Ukraine, it would be corrupt.

Joe Biden’s​ years of lying about ⁢these phone ‍calls remain unexplained. He has yet to clarify the services his family provided to various foreign entities. No amount of spin or fantastical⁢ stories ‍can change⁤ the fact that there are serious questions⁤ about Joe Biden’s actions.

David Harsanyi is a senior editor at The Federalist, a nationally syndicated columnist, a Happy Warrior columnist at National Review, ⁣and author of five books—the most recent, Eurotrash: ‌Why America Must Reject the Failed ‌Ideas ​of a Dying Continent. Follow him on Twitter, @davidharsanyi.

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