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Op-Ed: Trump Should Emulate Lincoln, Declare National Day of Prayer for America

Op-Ed: Trump Should Follow Lincoln’s Example and Declare a Day to Fast and Pray for America

Imagine if ⁤President Donald Trump used his platform to call for a national day of prayer and fasting, urging Americans to petition God for forgiveness and blessings. Would the average American patriot consider this endeavor important enough to set aside their daily routines ‌and join Trump in prayer?

Envision ​the impact ⁤if we all came ​together in this act of faith. Could ​we reasonably expect God to shower our nation with His grace, love, and mercy?⁤ And if He did, what would that look like?

In his book‌ “The Harbinger II,” Jonathan⁢ Cahn presents two examples of past presidents who‍ took similar actions ⁢during critical moments. These examples should be seriously considered by Trump and his supporters​ who strive to Make ‌America Great Again.

On April 30, 1863, following a series of military defeats, Abraham Lincoln declared, in part, the following: “It behooves us, then, to humble ourselves before⁢ the offended Power, ‍to⁢ confess our national sins, and ⁣to pray for clemency and ⁤forgiveness.”

Within days of this national act of contrition, it can be argued that God’s providence granted Lincoln two significant victories that ‍turned the tide of the Civil War in his favor. General Ulysses ⁢S. Grant defeated rebel forces at Port Gibson on May 1, and General Robert E. Lee’s most capable officer, Stonewall‌ Jackson, was killed on May 2. These victories ultimately led to the Union’s⁢ triumph at Gettysburg ⁣and ⁤the ​fall of Vicksburg.

A century later, another man emerged at a critical time in‌ our nation’s⁣ history. Like Lincoln, he called upon God​ to help America overcome its ⁤challenges.

In 1980, America ⁣faced a state of national despair under the feckless policies of President Jimmy Carter. Cultural divisions, a faltering economy, inflation,⁢ an oil shortage, and the Iranian hostage crisis plagued the nation. Christian patriots ⁣gathered‌ on the Mall in Washington, D.C., to pray for⁢ the country, and their plea was echoed⁢ by Ronald ⁢Reagan,‌ the candidate⁤ seeking to replace⁣ Carter.

On the night before Election Day, Reagan delivered a speech emphasizing the importance of ‌belief, resolve, and humility before God as the ‌source of America’s strength.⁤ The next ⁢day, Reagan won the election by a landslide. Shortly after taking office, America secured the release of ⁤the hostages, the ⁤economy began to recover, inflation‌ was⁤ controlled, and gas lines disappeared. Reagan’s presidency ​also played a significant role in the fall of⁣ the Iron Curtain.

Now, we find​ ourselves in⁤ a similar state‍ of⁢ affairs, and President Trump is at ⁤the helm. Our nation is divided, ⁤the economy is struggling, inflation and gas prices are soaring, our borders are overwhelmed, and ​our enemies mock ‍us. Additionally, the current administration’s endorsement of ‍societal debauchery adds⁤ to⁢ the urgency ⁢of seeking God’s intervention.

Trump and his supporters must recognize that reversing this op-ed-trump-should-follow-lincolns-example-and-declare-a-day-to-fast-and-pray-for-america/” title=”Op-Ed: Trump Should Emulate Lincoln, Declare National Day of Prayer for America”>godless trajectory requires divine help. Will Trump demonstrate the humility necessary to​ seek God’s assistance for the sake of our nation?

Lincoln and Reagan⁤ would likely advise him to consider⁢ God’s assurance: “If my people ⁣… humble themselves, and pray ⁢and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven⁤ and will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).

Trump doesn’t need to be in the White House to take this step. He can simply appoint a day and encourage patriots to join him in prayer and fasting.

So, President Trump, what say you? Will you call for a⁢ day of prayer and ⁤fasting before the 2024 elections? Many of​ us hope and pray that you ​will seize this‍ opportunity while it ‌still remains.

The post Op-Ed: ​Trump Should Follow Lincoln’s Example and Declare a Day to Fast ⁢and Pray for‌ America appeared first on The Western Journal.

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