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Hunter Biden and his wife criticized as ‘awful renters’ for alleged mistreatment of $4.2M rental property: Report.

Say it ain’t ‍so!

First son Hunter Biden has amassed an impressive number​ of adjectives to go​ with ​his name over ⁤the years, from “influence-peddling” to “drug-addicted” to “adulterous” to “deadbeat dad.”

On Wednesday, thanks to a news report, he got another one: “horrible tenant.”

The U.K. Daily​ Mail, a British publication with an ⁢ outsized online presence in the United States, reported ‍Wednesday that the ‌spoiled princeling of the Biden royal family has a history of ⁤failing to pay rent⁤ to a past landlord in a multimillion-dollar Venice Beach,‍ California, home — and leaving ‌the property in disarray after only a ⁤short stay.

According to the outlet, Hunter moved into the house in February 2021 with his ‌current wife Melissa and the couple’s then-toddler son, Beau.

The family ‌left after only about six months to head to their current home in Malibu, the Daily Mail reported. They ‍managed to make a pretty bad impression in that brief time.

“Hunter ⁣and Melissa were ​horrible tenants,” one ⁤source told the newspaper. “Not only did they stiff⁤ the⁢ owner for months ⁣of rent,⁢ they left the ⁢house in terrible condition.”

“Melissa was rude and entitled. They destroyed the⁣ stereo equipment in the home ⁣and when someone came to fix it, ‌they were uncooperative.⁤ They also left the place dirty.”

It’s important to point out that the Daily Mail piece relies entirely ⁣on unnamed sources, ⁣so readers can​ take it with whatever amount ⁣of salt they choose. But from⁢ what’s publicly known about Hunter’s past — often from his own ⁤damning ​words — it’s not exactly a stretch to think he might ⁢be a deadbeat renter.

This is a guy who was kicked out of ⁢the Navy for drug use (and⁤ lost an officer’s commission he⁢ never should have had); has recorded ⁣ copious quantities of video showing​ himself and various​ prostitutes⁤ in various states of⁢ undress, engaging in or discussing various drug use; and is suspected, with⁣ very good⁣ reason, of ‍using his connection to his father, President Joe Biden to ⁣ rake ‍in millions from shady ⁢characters overseas.

That’s ‌not exactly type who makes sure to ​mop under the radiator to get the security deposit ⁣back.

The home — which rented at⁤ $25,000 ​a month —​ was⁢ sold in March 2022 for $3.9 million and is now valued at‌ $4.2 ‍million, according to the Daily Mail.

But the owner at the time of the Biden lease was Jonathan Neman, co-founder of the salad-centric,‌ fast-casual food chain Sweetgreen.

Unlike many ‍of ‌California’s wealthy ⁢entrepreneurs, Neman doesn’t appear to be⁢ a⁤ rabid Democratic supporter. In fact,⁢ his biggest foray into the political world appeared to come during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in ⁤September 2021, when he appeared ⁢to suggest, according to a report in The Atlantic, that the way to deal with COVID was ‍to have the ‌government force everyone to‍ eat more salad‍ to cut obesity.

(That’s obscene⁣ on philosophical grounds as well ‍as culinary and nutritional grounds, but considering the guy sells salad, at​ least it’s understandable as​ a ‍pure matter of cupidity.)

Neman, according to the Daily Mail, declined to‍ comment on the Bidens’ rental period.

But the outlet quoted a source as saying Neman ‌didn’t want to take Hunter ⁢to‌ court for the unpaid rent.

“It’s not ‍that he needed‌ the money, and,‍ frankly, it was embarrassing,” the source said, according to the Daily Mail.

Embarrassing for Neman, maybe. ​But it’s‍ probably a safe ⁤bet to say that at ⁢this ​point, ‍Hunter Biden is beyond embarrassment.

The man-child has spent an adult ​life​ living under his​ father’s shadow, selling his connection ⁤to his father’s power, engaging⁢ in an affair with his brother’s ⁣widow while still married to his first wife, ⁢and attempting to abandon his own daughter (while apparently leading his family to callously⁤ ignore the girl, ‌too).

Now, despite his pretensions of an “art” career, his main claim to fame is being ⁣a national disgrace.

Being a “horrible tenant,” ‌if it’s ⁣true, is the least ‍of his problems.

The post Hunter Biden and Wife Blasted as ‘Horrible Tenants’ for What They Did to $4.2M Rental: ​Report ⁢ appeared first on The Western Journal.

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