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Celebrities filmed ad supporting election result overthrow.

A Corrupt Regime’s Latest Attempt to Imprison Its Leading Rival

A corrupt regime’s latest attempt to imprison its leading⁢ rival has sparked a viral sensation on social media. The U.S. government’s tactics, reminiscent of‌ a banana republic, have once again come under scrutiny.

In ‍a recent announcement, special counsel Jack Smith revealed that a grand jury has indicted former President Donald Trump‌ on four charges related to his efforts to contest ​the 2020 presidential election. This development has reignited public interest in the ongoing political drama.

Amidst⁤ the chaos, a video from 2016 has resurfaced, exposing the hypocrisy ⁢of ‌Trump’s detractors. The video features Hollywood celebrities urging Republican electors to overturn the election results by withholding Electoral College votes from Trump.

Conservative commentator Steven Crowder’s podcast, Louder with Crowder, shared the video on X⁣ (formerly known as Twitter), igniting a firestorm of reactions. The accompanying tweet simply stated, “We’re just going to leave this here.”

A Glimpse into Hollywood’s Election-Denying Hypocrisy

Watching the entire video requires a high tolerance for self-righteousness, ⁢but for connoisseurs of unintentional comedy, it’s a must-see. The⁢ video showcases a group of Hollywood leftists arguing that the Electoral College should deny Trump the⁣ presidency.

The⁣ video opens with actor Martin Sheen, known for his role as a president on TV, putting on his glasses and attempting to sound magnanimous. He addresses ‍the Republican members of the Electoral College, invoking the founding fathers’ intentions behind the Electoral College’s creation.

Actress Debra Messing follows, delivering her lines with dramatic severity, emphasizing the phrase “an eminent degree.” The celebrities’⁢ nefarious purpose becomes clear within the first 25 seconds​ of the two-and-a-half-minute video: they want Republican ‍electors to deny Trump the presidency ​based on their judgment of his qualifications.

But the‍ video ‌goes‌ beyond exposing hypocrisy; it highlights two key areas of leftist double standards.

Phony Solemnity and Attempted ⁢Election ​Overturn

First, there’s the⁢ phony solemnity in their shameless appeal to ​the Electoral College, an institution ⁤they have consistently criticized. Leftists ‍seem to invoke the Constitution only when it aligns with⁣ their agenda, disregarding it as ⁢a tool of racist patriarchs at other times.

Second, there’s the attempt to overturn a presidential election. Prior to 2020, leftists proudly wore this as a badge of honor. However, since then, anyone who questions election results risks ⁤censorship or ⁢worse.

While ⁣the 2016 video exposes leftist hypocrisy, it has become clear that hypocrisy no longer matters to them. Modern⁣ leftists have abandoned good-faith debates and instead seek to silence⁢ and imprison their opponents. They justify their actions with ⁢appeals to political​ necessity.

For those who engage in genuine debates, consistency and respect for opponents are paramount. They acknowledge and amend any inconsistencies in their thoughts or actions. But for modern leftists, accusations of hypocrisy hold no weight. They control every government agency, major institution,⁢ and ⁢the entire ‍establishment media, rendering⁢ their⁣ opponents’‌ legitimacy irrelevant.

Ironically, the 2016 video itself serves as a relic from a time⁤ when⁣ leftists still attempted to⁣ persuade.⁣ In today’s era of censorship, ‌they no⁣ longer feel the need to bother.

On a personal​ note, re-watching this video is particularly gratifying because I don’t even remember the names of the celebrities who followed Sheen and Messing. May they forever languish in relative ⁤obscurity.

Source: Flashback: Celebrities ⁤Filmed ⁣Ad⁢ Advocating to Overthrow the Results of Presidential Election

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