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New indictment empowers Trump with unprecedented legal authority, says lawyer.

Lawyer: Newest Indictment Gives‍ Trump⁣ Legal ⁢Power That⁢ He Never Had ⁢Before

Former​ President Donald Trump ⁢attorney John Lauro sees‍ at least one silver lining in the‍ Department of Justice’s latest indictment of his client: Trump ‌will get⁢ to litigate why he⁤ believes the 2020 ⁤presidential ‌election was fraudulent.

“In 2020 ‍Mr. ‌Trump’s ⁣campaign had a few weeks to⁤ gear ⁢up and present evidence, and it was ⁤very ⁢difficult,” Lauro told Fox News host⁤ Bret Baier Tuesday ⁢night⁣ after special counsel Jack Smith announced ‌the 45th president was being‍ indicted in relation to his questioning of the integrity of the 2020⁤ election.

“We now⁣ have the ability in this case⁤ to issue our own subpoenas, and⁤ we will re-litigate every⁤ single issue in the 2020 election in the context of this litigation,” Lauro added. “It gives President⁣ Trump an opportunity that he ⁤has never had before,‍ which⁢ is ​to have subpoena⁢ power‌ since January‌ 6 in a way that can⁣ be exercised in federal court.”

Charges and Allegations

In his latest indictment, Smith charges Trump ⁢with four crimes: conspiracy to defraud the ‌United States, conspiracy ​to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct ⁣an official proceeding, ⁤and conspiracy against rights.

Trump created “widespread mistrust” in his attempt to “overturn the legitimate results of‌ the 2020 election,” Smith alleged.

Further, the former president knew that his​ allegations of election fraud were false ‌when he made them, the special​ counsel added.

Lauro refuted ​that Trump knowingly made ⁤false statements about ⁢the election, but⁤ even if he did, it is​ still protected free speech under the First Amendment.

“It’s not just issues of​ fraud. It’s also the fact that procedures were changed, undeniably so, that procedures at the state‌ level were changed without​ the ability of the legislature ​to⁤ weigh in,”⁤ Lauro explained.

Trump’s intention ⁢on Jan. 6, 2021, was to pressure Congress not to certify the Electoral College vote, so the state legislatures could have one last chance to review and weigh in ⁤on how the elections in their⁢ states had been ‌conducted.

“The‌ reality ‍is that the state legislatures in every state⁣ have the ultimate responsibility for qualifying electors. ‌So what Mr. Trump did was exactly, constitutionally precise and in order. There was nothing ‌illegal‌ about that,” Lauro argued.

Article II, section 1, clause 2 of the Constitution provides, “Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may ​direct, a Number of Electors, ‌equal to the whole⁣ Number ⁣of Senators and Representatives ‍to which the State may​ be entitled ​in the Congress.”

Trump “was required to take steps, as‌ president of the ​United States, to ensure that that election was ⁢held ‌in⁤ a valid way,” Lauro said. “All of that, now, is being criminalized.”

Baier countered Lauro’s assertions, saying, “The states did that. Each‌ individual state​ certified the elections. They‍ were signed by the governors —⁤ many of them Republican ‌governors, and many of​ them Republican ‍secretaries of state, that signed off⁤ and certified those election results before they⁣ came to Washington, D.C., and we ⁣had what was January 6.”

“So what you’re talking about was ‍done. It was‍ certified,” Baier reiterated.

Trump and the Republicans were not challenging⁤ election results in all 50 states, but swing states that ⁤flipped from‌ Trump wins in 2016 to Democrat Joe Biden ⁤victories in 2020.

Of those states, only Georgia had a‌ Republican governor⁣ and secretary of state.⁢ Pennsylvania, Michigan and ​Wisconsin⁢ all had Democrats in both those positions.​ Further, while Arizona had a Republican governor, the secretary of​ state overseeing the election was a Democrat.

Lauro concluded, “It’s never been presented to ‍the states.⁤ Now what we’re going to have is,‍ not just a civil trial, but a criminal trial​ exercising his right to ‌speech.”

The U.S. ‌Supreme Court ultimately dismissed Texas’ case, ‍concluding that the Lone Star State ⁣lacked standing to sue over ⁣how Pennsylvania ⁤and other‌ states conducted ‌their elections.

The post Lawyer: ‍Newest Indictment Gives Trump ⁣Legal Power That He ​Never Had Before appeared first on The Western Journal.

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