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Pro-Life Dad Runs for Congress Post Biden DOJ’s 11-Year Lock-Up Attempt

A Man of Conviction: Mark Houck Runs​ for Congress

A man who knows the price of standing⁤ up for what he believes wants to bring those beliefs to Congress.

Mark Houck,⁤ who was​ arrested by the FBI after an incident outside of an abortion clinic but‍ later ⁤ cleared of‌ federal charges by a jury,⁢ is running for ⁣Pennsylvania’s 1st Congressional District

“I have seen first-hand what an⁤ out-of-control government can do to‌ its citizens,”​ Houck said on⁤ his campaign website. “I will fight to protect all people and their rights⁣ under God ‍& our Constitution. My platform is based on common sense.”

The ⁢site quoted the Book of Esther: ⁤“For if you remain​ silent at this time, relief‍ and ⁣deliverance … will arise from another place, but you and your father’s⁤ family will perish.​ And who knows but ⁣that you have come to your … position for such a time ‌as this?”

Houck explained his staunchly pro-life views on the ​site, writing, “I believe⁢ as we⁢ look at the‍ vastness of⁢ the universe & try to find ​life, we must also ‌recognize how ‌rare⁢ life is in the universe & therefore we must defend all human life at‍ all stages of development.”

In January, Houck was acquitted of violating⁢ the Freedom⁣ of Access to‌ Clinic Entrances Act, according to the Catholic News Agency.

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The case involved‌ Houck shoving an abortion ⁤clinic⁣ worker.

Houck never denied⁢ the incident, but he‌ said the⁤ act was in response to the abortion ​provider coming‍ too close to ⁤his 12-year-old son.

Houck had been⁤ facing a ​possible 11 years in prison, according ‌to⁢ Just the ​News.

“We took ​on Goliath — the full might of ⁣the United States government —⁢ and won,” said Peter Breen, Houck’s‍ attorney, after the acquittal, according ⁣to the Daily ⁣Signal.

“The jury saw through and‌ rejected the​ prosecution’s discriminatory case, which was harassment from day one. This‌ is a win for Mark and the entire pro-life‌ movement. The Biden Department of Justice’s intimidation against pro-life people and people of​ faith has ⁤been put in its ‌place,”​ he said.

Houck will‌ be⁣ challenging incumbent Republican Rep. ‍Brian‍ Fitzpatrick.

Houck said if he makes it to ‌ Congress, he wants to serve on the ⁢Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal ⁢Government,

“I’d like to get on that⁢ committee, and I’d⁢ like to‍ be the face that the ⁤Democratic Party cannot ignore and the story that cannot be ignored,” Houck ⁤said, according ⁤to the Catholic ​News Agency.

“My presence in D.C. will maintain that story, and they can’t​ run from it.”

The post ⁣ Pro-Life ​Father Running for Congress After Biden DOJ ‍Tried to‍ Lock Him Up for ⁢11 Years appeared first⁣ on The Western Journal.

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