Conservative News Daily

Angry Gold Star Mom Physically Shaken by Joe and Jill Biden’s Actions

A Gold Star Mother’s Heartbreaking Encounter with Joe and Jill Biden

A Gold Star mother who tragically lost her⁢ son during President Joe Biden’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan two⁤ years ago recently shared⁤ her painful experience. ​In a congressional forum discussing the 13 U.S. service members who lost their lives due to‍ Biden’s inept ‍military leadership, Cherry Rex revealed how ⁣the president and first lady compounded her grief by lying to her.

Rex recounted the moment she met the Bidens at Dover Air Force Base for the dignified transfer ceremony of her son, Lance ‌Cpl. Dylan⁣ Merola. She described how Biden approached her and said, “My wife, Jill, and I know ⁤how you feel. We ⁤lost our son as ‌well and brought him home in a‌ flag-draped coffin.”

These ​words struck Rex deeply, as⁤ she knew ⁣that‍ Biden’s son, Beau, had⁤ died from cancer and that the Bidens had been⁣ able to be by his side during his final​ moments. She couldn’t‍ understand how someone could be so heartless ⁣as to claim they knew her pain ‍just ‌24 hours after learning of her son’s death.

Since that encounter, Rex revealed that Biden has never spoken to her again, nor has⁢ he mentioned her son’s name. She believes ‍this is because ⁣of the colossal failure of the ⁤Biden Pentagon and their disregard for military‌ protocol.

Biden’s Exploitation of Tragedy

This incident is not the first time Biden has used his son’s death ⁤for sympathy or political gain.⁣ Throughout his political career, he has shamelessly⁤ invoked Beau’s⁢ memory to‌ push his agendas and boost his credibility.

If Rex’s account is accurate, it reveals a disturbing truth about Biden’s character. He is not just a ⁣cognitively impaired liar and ‍corrupt politician, ​but a​ demented individual who lacks empathy and exploits the pain of others for his own benefit.

It is clear that America’s current president is unfit for the role he holds. From his⁤ disastrous handling ‍of the Afghanistan withdrawal to his numerous other failures, Biden has proven time and again that he⁢ is not capable of leading our nation.

Source: The Western Journal

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