Washington Examiner

Trump monitoring six allies for White House partnership.

If former ⁤President Donald Trump ⁣is ‌the Republican nominee next year, he’ll be running with a new vice president.

Trump and former Vice President Mike ​Pence are on ​the‍ outs after the former Indiana governor refused​ to entertain stolen ‍election schemes. So⁢ Trump — who is​ far⁣ ahead of rivals, such ‍as Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) ⁣and Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) — would be seeking a ‍new name on his ticket. Here are a few of his options.

Kari Lake

Lake has proven she’s not opposed to claiming elections were stolen, giving her a leg up on any Pence-style ​picks. The ​former TV anchor narrowly lost ‌her 2022 Arizona gubernatorial⁢ race and has cried fraud ‌ever since.

Lake could help⁢ Trump⁢ court suburban white women in 2024, a group he struggled with in 2020. She has already made a ⁤trip to Iowa, ⁤the first state to vote ⁣in next year’s ​party primaries.

Vivek Ramaswamy

The 37-year-old said ⁤he was not interested, but his ‌actions may​ speak otherwise.

Ramaswamy is an entrepreneur who has outperformed expectations in the GOP race, grabbing the third-place spot behind Trump and DeSantis. He said he’s not interested in being vice president⁤ but has also been a strong defender of Trump through his recent legal troubles.

Ramaswamy even filed a lawsuit ​against the Department of Justice in the wake of its latest ⁢indictment, showcasing a measure of loyalty to the ‌front-runner.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Trump’s former press secretary has become a young executive, leading Arkansas as ⁢its governor at⁣ the age of⁤ 40.

She ‍hasn’t ​endorsed him, but⁣ the two⁤ have ‍a ⁤strong history together, and Sanders could ‍pull in some ​suburban⁤ votes.

Kristi ⁢Noem

Another ⁣red-state governor, Noem was seen as a presidential candidate at⁢ one point but ⁢decided not to run. She predicts that Trump will ‍be the Republican nominee while‌ declining to endorse him⁢ so far.

Noem is often‍ mentioned by Trump confidants as having⁤ vice president potential,‍ according to Axios.

Nikki Haley

Haley ‌also said she’s only interested in the top ​job but is polling⁤ at around 4% to date. She brings a ⁢lot to the table as a former South Carolina governor and a woman​ of color who already served in⁤ the Trump administration as ambassador to the ‌United Nations.

While Haley would seem like a strong fit, the pair have been on the outs of late. She was more dismissive of his latest‍ indictment‍ compared ⁤to some rivals, saying she’s tired of commenting on every Trump ⁣drama. That led the former president to go after Haley on⁤ her home⁣ turf, saying she⁣ was afraid to show up ⁤at⁣ a⁤ GOP gala.

Rep. ‌Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA)

Always a ‌wild ⁣card, Greene⁢ is⁢ a true Trump supporter who ‌brings instant name recognition and energy to the race.

But to the extent that Trump is interested in moderate votes, Greene could backfire as a vice ⁣presidential candidate. In any case, her attention may ‌be focused elsewhere, namely on attempts to impeach‌ President Joe Biden.


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