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Hunter Biden’s business partner visited the White House and VP residence 36 times, surpassing previous knowledge.

House Republicans Eye Hunter Biden’s Former⁣ Business Partner with ​Special Interest in White House Visits

House Republicans are eyeing one⁣ of Hunter Biden’s former business partners — ⁢with special interest in his status as⁣ a frequent⁢ guest at the White House during ⁤the Obama ⁤administration.

A review of ‍federal records by Fox News indicates that Eric Schwerin visited the White House and the vice presidential residence at the Naval Observatory a whopping 36 times while now-President Joe Biden ⁢was⁢ vice president under​ Barack Obama.

Schwerin partnered ⁣with the‌ younger Biden in⁤ Rosemont Seneca Partners, an investment ⁤firm with links to some ‌of Hunter Biden’s ‌overseas business dealings. He had a two-decade friendship and business relationship with Hunter Biden, the New York Post reported in April 2022.

Other​ Rosemont Seneca executives who were welcomed to⁢ White House grounds during the period,​ according to The Daily Signal, include Joan ‌Mayer and Devon Archer — who testified in Congress last week about the Bidens’ influence-peddling operation.

House Oversight and Accountability ⁤Chairman⁣ James Comer is interested in more than 80 White House ⁢visits made by Hunter Biden business associates, according to The Daily ⁣Signal.

“This ‍is more evidence showing the Biden family⁤ enterprise centered around‌ Joe Biden’s political career,” Comer said in a⁢ statement, the website reported.

“Americans deserve answers about the Biden family’s business schemes and we will keep pressing for ​transparency ‍and accountability.”

President Joe Biden has claimed no knowledge‌ of his son’s questionable business dealings, which included lucrative payments from the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, which was founded by a man with ⁢ suspected ties to Russian intelligence.

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Rosemont Seneca’s corporate history involves lucrative dealings with ⁣Chinese financial companies,⁣ according to the New York Post.

One legal expert ‍of the National Legal ​and Policy Center, a conservative think tank, is pointing to Rosemont Seneca’s access to the ⁣White House as a development⁤ worthy of congressional investigation.

“The White House was an annex of Rosemont Seneca,” Paul Kamenar, senior‌ counsel at the center, told The Daily Signal.

“Everyone⁣ who visited the ⁤White House should be subpoenaed by the ‍Oversight and Accountability Committee.”

According to Fox, one Schwerin visit to​ the White House took place in Dec. 2015 — days after Vice President Biden secured the termination of Viktor Shokin, Ukraine’s one-time top prosecutor, by‍ using $1 billion of American foreign aid as a cudgel.

Biden openly bragged about forcing Shokin’s firing during a panel event at the ⁢Council on Foreign Relations in 2018.

At the ​time‌ of his firing, Shokin was investigating Burisma — the company paying Hunter Biden millions for his service on its corporate board.

Hunter Biden is battling​ two federal criminal charges after a judge refused to accept his sweetheart plea deal last month.

Rosemont Seneca is now defunct.

The post Hunter Biden’s Longtime Business ‌Partner Made 36 Trips to WH, VP Residence – More Than ‍Previously Known appeared first⁤ on ‌ The Western Journal.

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