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Black babies cared for by white doctors have higher mortality rates, but it’s not due to racism. The left is mistaken.

When Diversity Trumps Excellence: The Impact on Education and Government

When diversity takes⁤ precedence over excellence ⁣in our education system and infiltrates the highest levels of government, ‍it undermines democracy like an‍ infestation of ⁤termites.

If that sounds dramatic, it’s because the consequences of​ diversity initiatives in the workplace can ⁣be far-reaching, potentially leading to societal collapse.

One striking example of diversity gone awry⁢ is the case ​of Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, who claimed that black babies are more likely to die‌ under the care of white doctors due to‍ racism.

However, ‍Jackson’s assertion was factually incorrect, as pointed out by Heritage Foundation Senior Research​ Fellow Jay P. Greene. She misinterpreted a​ dubious scientific study cited in her dissent to the Supreme Court’s ruling ⁣on racial preferences in​ university admissions.

The SCOTUS Diversity Hire

The irony of ​a Supreme Court Justice unable⁢ to understand a medical study​ yet using it as evidence ‍highlights ‌the validity of⁤ Lieutenant Governor Winsome ​Earle-Sears’ ⁢claim that Jackson is an example of a diversity ‌hire gone wrong.

In an interview​ with Fox News, Earle-Sears ⁣responded to Jackson and other dissenting justices who argued that the court’s decision was a ⁣step back in terms of equality.

“Well, what you ​have is a justice who was chosen because she’s black and because she’s‌ a woman,” Sears stated. “That’s what we’re‍ understanding now…”

According to CNN, President ‍Biden committed to nominating a ‌black female to the Supreme Court in 2020, emphasizing the importance of representation.

However, Jackson’s inability to define the term “woman” during her confirmation hearings suggests that ⁣she may not fully grasp the reason for​ her ‍nomination as a minority woman.

Jackson argued in her dissent that racial preferences are necessary for ⁣medical school admissions to improve health outcomes for black patients.

At first glance, it may seem⁤ like Jackson is suggesting that a doctor’s skin ⁤color is the determining factor in their ability‍ to improve the ⁤health of black patients, prioritizing it over medical expertise and aptitude.

Following this logic, hospitals would be organized into separate wards based on race, with Asian doctors treating Asian patients, ‍Hispanic ‌doctors ⁤treating Hispanic patients, and so on.

However,⁢ it is ​important to question Jackson’s claims.‌ Did black babies truly have a higher chance of ​survival when treated by black doctors? The answer is no.

Are Black Babies More Likely to Die Under the Care of White Doctors?

If the color of a doctor’s skin truly had such ⁤a ⁤significant ‌impact on the⁢ survival rates of high-risk black newborns, it would be foolish and even racist to argue against it. However, this claim ⁢is based on flawed reasoning.

According to Greene, Jackson misinterpreted an amicus brief filed by the Association of American Medical Colleges, which referenced a ‍study published in the Proceedings of the ​National Academy of Sciences.

Greene explained that the study did not‌ claim to find a doubling in survival rates for black newborns with black ⁤attending physicians. In⁢ fact, the ⁢difference in⁤ survival ⁣rates between black newborns with black attending physicians and those with white attending physicians was only 0.129 percent.

Furthermore, ‌the study‌ did‍ not consider the fact that black newborns are more likely to have serious medical complications, and therefore, the attending physicians assigned to treat these⁤ cases are more likely to be white. The ​study does not ‍provide‌ evidence that black newborns with identical conditions would fare better with a black doctor.

Jackson’s argument‌ falls apart when​ subjected to ‍scrutiny. Even if her⁣ interpretation of the study ‌were accurate, it would not support the use of racial preferences in medical school admissions. Increasing the number ​of black doctors to ensure every black newborn has one would require‌ a dilution in the quality of‍ doctors, potentially​ doing more harm than good.

So, how did we end up in a situation where a Supreme Court justice misreads ‍a flawed medical study to defend‍ a ⁣tendentious⁣ argument? The⁣ answer lies in academia and⁣ the erosion of critical thinking.

How We Got Here

Blame can be placed on academia, where‍ postmodern relativism has taken hold. This toxic ideology, originating with philosophers like Nietzsche and popularized by figures like Foucault, has permeated American universities⁣ and influenced the humanities and social science departments.

As ‍a​ result, truth is now seen as a social construct, with “personal truth” given more weight than critical thinking.

Nietzsche predicted this ⁣decline in his writings, warning that a time would come when readers would ‌no longer seek knowledge. He wrote, “He who knoweth the reader, doeth nothing more for the reader. Another century of readers⁣ — and spirit itself will‌ stink.”

In other words, as stated ​in 2 Timothy 4:3-4, people would turn away from sound teaching and seek out teachers who cater to their‍ own passions, leading ⁣them astray from the ⁢truth.

Postmodernism has devalued morality and reduced meaningful discourse to gibberish. The result is‍ a crisis in critical thinking, as demonstrated by the inability of the Association of American Medical Colleges and Jackson’s clerks to properly understand‌ a medical study.

Elitist universities, and the education system as a ⁤whole,​ are ​failing to pursue truth and instead promote tendentious interpretations based on leftist ideologies.

The Total Destruction of‍ Jackson’s Race-Baiting Argument

Greene’s analysis of Jackson’s argument goes even ‍further in⁣ exposing its flaws.

Even⁣ if Jackson accurately described the results of the study and even if those results were credible, ⁣they would not support the use of racial ⁢preferences in medical school ⁣admissions.

Increasing the number ‌of black doctors at the expense ⁤of quality would ‍not provide the claimed benefits, as the study fails to ⁤consider the higher ⁤likelihood of severe medical complications among black newborns and the specialization of white doctors in treating these cases.

Furthermore, the implementation of racial preferences in medical school admissions would lead to the segregation of doctors and patients, creating‍ legal and logistical challenges ⁢for hospitals.

Greene concludes⁢ that those ‍who support racial preferences often invoke research without properly understanding⁤ it or considering whether it actually supports their preferred policies.

The education system in the United States is in a state of decay. The fact that a⁢ Supreme Court justice can misinterpret a flawed medical study to defend a flawed argument is evidence ⁣of⁤ this decline.

However, there is hope. By prioritizing reason and equipping our children with critical thinking⁢ skills, we can strive for ⁢truth and excellence. It is through⁣ this ⁣pursuit that we can overcome the challenges ‍posed by misguided diversity initiatives and ensure a brighter future for our society.

Remember, the truth will prevail, and settling‍ for anything less than ⁤excellence is not an option.

The⁣ post The Left Is Wrong: Why Black Babies ​Cared For by White ‌Doctors⁣ Die More Often – It’s Not Because of ‘Racism’ appeared first on The Western ​Journal.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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