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Manchin considers breaking ties with Democratic Party

Sen. Joe Manchin Considers ⁤Leaving Democratic Party to Become⁣ Independent

During an appearance on MetroNews “Talkline,” Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) revealed that he ⁣has been seriously contemplating leaving⁤ the Democratic Party to​ become an independent. He‍ expressed his dissatisfaction⁣ with both major parties and his⁤ desire to have an⁤ independent voice.

“I would think very seriously about that.⁣ I’ve been thinking about that for ‍quite some time. I haven’t made any decisions whatsoever on any of my ‍political⁣ direction,” Manchin said when⁣ pressed to‌ clarify his position.

“I want to make sure my voice is truly an independent voice, when I’m speaking,⁤ I’m speaking about the ⁣good the Republicans⁢ do ⁢and ​the ‌good the Democrats continue to do,” he added.

Up for re-election in 2024, Manchin ‌may face a strong⁤ challenger in Governor Jim⁤ Justice. A recent poll showed Justice defeating Manchin⁤ by⁤ 22 points in a hypothetical face-off. However, Manchin has not yet announced whether he will seek another term in the Senate and has even expressed ‍openness to⁣ a third-party campaign for the White House in 2024.

Last⁣ December, Manchin stated that he had no intention of‍ leaving the Democratic Party at that time but indicated he would consider ⁣it. He has since voiced​ his concerns about the deep division in the United‌ States, which has left many people⁤ feeling politically homeless. If⁢ he decides to ​leave the Democratic Party, Manchin​ would be following in the footsteps ‍of Sen. Kyrsten Sinema ‍of‍ Arizona, who became ⁤an independent last ⁣year.

“For me, I have to​ have peace of mind basically,” Manchin said. “The brand has become so bad.​ The ‘D’ brand and ‘R’ brand.”


Manchin also dismissed concerns that a third-party presidential run ⁤would undermine President ⁤Joe Biden’s re-election effort. ⁣He believes that if a⁤ movement can be created where the middle ground ‍is given a voice, it could bring the Democratic and⁤ Republican parties⁤ back to what they ​should be.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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